"you mean y'all having sex cause um team work definitely makes the dream work" austin scoffed as the three boys laughed while brandon darted his eyes at austin who shrugged

brandon picked up a pillow throwing it at austin's head letting out a groan of annoyance, kimberlee wasn't answering, charlotte has no intentions on moving on and he definitely made that harder on her last night.

"well you better do something because we miss kimberlee and kaitlin is on a prettymuch strike until her sister feels better" edwin folded his arms and pursed his lips looking at brandon who dropped his head into his hands

"she won't even answer my texts" brandon sat back tossing his phone in defeat looking at the boys who scratched their heads looking away

"hey kimmy" austin yelled smiling at his phone making brandon look over in his direction confused how he got through to her

"hi austin i miss you so much" kimberlee's sweet voice came from out of austin's phone before the sound of kisses were heard

"hey what about us!" nick yelled rushing over to the camera's view to get a glance at kimberlee

"how can i forget my boys" kimberlee's voice cracked and followed with a sniffle making brandon concerned as he watched the expressions on each boys face for an answer

"are you crying?" edwin crept over to the phone looking at brandon rolling his eyes before looking back at the phone. brandon eased over to austin's phone looking at kimberlee who was visibly crying trying to wipe her tears away but only smearing the dark mascara she always wore, her cheeks were red from crying and it made brandon's heart hurt

"ignore me my emotions are all over the place like a pregnant woman except mine is a case of mislead feelings" kimberlee gave the boys a small smile while catching another tear

brandon couldn't believe how she still looked so beautiful with no makeup no nothing but her puffy eyes gave away that he really did fuck up making him feel so low, he wanted to hold her and tell her everything was going to be better but who was he kidding this was all his fault.

"so come see us! you know a little time with prettymuch makes everything better" zion yelled not breaking his attention away from the screen

"oh i highly beg to differ!" kimberlee let out a honest laugh shaking her head

her pretty little laugh could make your heart skip a million beats, !brandon look over at the screen once again as she spoke his heart sank making him come to realization of his feelings for her, she made him feel different like they were in a movie and they were at the best part.

she was the best part.

"is brandon there?" kimberlee asked making his heart pound in my chest

"nah he's been locked in his room for days i don't think he'll be coming out anytime soon" zion lied not even moving an inch making brandon believe his fans when they said all men do is lie

"really? he has the audacity to be locked up in his room i should be hibernating" kimberlee scoffed and rolled her eyes while trying to hold an angry expression

"you miss him shut up" zion teased once again not taking his eyes off the screen

"no i do not" kimberlee's voice blared through the phone making each boy nervous at how long it would take before she blew up on zion but zion didn't really care

pretend • brandon arreaga Where stories live. Discover now