Chapter Thirty Six- Get her back

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Garetts pov:

I walked up to Andrews apartment, to see him sitting there in tears. I was pissed, beyond pissed that my best guy friend cheated on my best friend, someone as sweet as everleigh but.. because I love Andrew I decided I would hear why the fuck he did it.

"What the fuck dude." I said sitting down across from him. "Garett- I need to tell you something." I took a good look at Andrew, he didn't look like the happy, ginger who was full of giggles. he looked like Ron weasley after he was puking slugs..not the time for harry potter refrences.. but  he looked broken.

"I got a text the other day.." Andrew started off, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through the messages until he stopped. "from an unknown number that said, meet me at this location or i'll kill everleigh."

I thought Andrew was insane, until he said "i thought that it was a joke, until they sent me this." he handed me his phone and I saw a picture of everleigh and Fabio on the couch. "What the fuck." I said feeling chills going up and down my spine.

"So I went and met with the random number, when I got there nobody was there at first.. then Jack and Jake appeared with some chick. I tried- to tell them to leave everleigh alone, and I asked why they were doing this.. but jack said that everleigh deserves the pain when she dosent!" Andrew started to sob.

"He told me- if I kissed this girl Jenna they brought with them, they would send the picture to that instagram account and they would let everleigh live. if I didn't- they had people outside our apartment that on their signal would-" he got quiet for a minute then sobbed.

"Kill her." It was quiet for a second and my heart broke at the sight of my best friends heart breaking. "So I kissed her, and I came home today and everleigh left. she walked out the door sobbing, with Fabio but she was alive.. I rather have her walk out the door alive than-In a body bag." he cried.

I felt tears running down my face, "tell that to her, we need to go to the police Andrew." he shook his head. "I love her Garett, I cant loose her again" he wiped his tears and I looked at him and said "lets go find her and tell her, lets go get your girl back.. tomorrow for now she needs her space and to be with trinity and Morgan."

he nodded, and I decided to stay with him, in fearing that he might hurt himself. but I made a promise that I would get these two hooligans back together.

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