The Masked Musician

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   The Miviramian officials all sat around the long table in the King's meeting room. A rectangular room painted a royal blue on all four sides. The two longer sides had the Miviramian crest painted on the center of the wall and on left and right sides of the red eyed, golden feathered eagle, a window had been built fashioned with golden window panes and silk curtains. 

Angelo Distefano, the man who had forced himself onto the Miviramian throne sat on his purple cushioned bronze chair, a look of irritation on his face as he listened to his Chief of Order, Martin Playt, across from him.

     "This is the fourth and probably most rambunctious act of rebellion by the so called Masked Musician and as these attacks increase, the citizens of Miviram become less controllable. This...this rebel" Playt said in disgust "has now become a friend to the citizens. Not only defending those who blatantly break the conditions of the Restrictions but amusing the people. Spies have noted three concert like gatherings in the town squares during which the Masked Musician enticed the crowd that violin."

  "And knowing that this creature plays music in the most public place in Miviram why hasn't she been apprehended?" King Distefano asked " Town squares aren't exactly walled off. A simple army raid would do, no?"

"Three attempts on the town square have been made, resulting in the escape of the culprit. The violin used by the rebel was somehow manipulated, so it seconds as a bow, which the rebel doesn't hesitate to use against us."

"Great so our enemy is armed!" The king screamed "aren't all instruments supposed to have been seized and guarded"

"Our security was breeched three months or so ago. Nine instruments were stolen not including the violin. The instruments have since popped up all over the place so I am guessing they were distributed amoungst the citizens." Playt replied

The king slowly got up and straightened his robe. He strode to the window on his left and said "My loyal officials look out. This is a kingdom that has for so long, heeded to my every whim, a peaceful kingdom. A miserable kingdom...but a peaceful one. I will not have some delusional vigilante disrupt the system. I want him/her/it found. I want her brought to the end of today."

"But sire-" Playt began

      "Dismissed General!" Distefano boomed and watched as the Chief of Order stuttered looking around for aid and when he received none, he picked up his files and walked out of the room.

"Any more additions?" the King asked daring any official to speak. After five seconds of nothing he clapped and said "Great! Now get on with it! Even a King needs his sleep," and his officials one by one walked out.


"But why Cordetta? Why the mask? Why put yourself in such danger? of the past," Paul said.

 Paul was my best friend. The only person who I could talk to about anything. Since grade school Paul has been there for me. I loved him more than I could put into words. We dressed in dark clothes, I had chosen a long black dress while Paul went for the casual dark shirt and pants.

We sat on opposite sides of a river that flowed through the forest we were in. The Crystal Forest was the pride of Miviram, with beautiful multicolored crystals that hung from the tree branches; grasses that never seemed to wither and the birds...beautiful bright creatures that sung of places near and far.

"This is who we are Paul." I got up and brushed dirt off my dress "Or have the Restrictions stripped you of your childhood as well? Look! Even the birds rebel and sing so freely."

I crossed my arms and looked at Paul who averted his eyes to evade my gaze. "The danger is all I'm saying. You're the most wanted person in Miviram and all because you want to sing again? Sure the people love it but look what's going on Cordetta!" Paul retorted. He got up and walked to the river bank "The Restrictions were put in place for our protection."

The Masked Musician [Young Writers Short Story Entry]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora