Chapter 4 : Talked Down, Heading Home |EDITED|

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"I was called into this case because I was offered this job when I was twelve. I made the decision to assist with this case, but otherwise, I did not want to make you all feel as if I was coming in and stealing your jobs. So, I am leaving after this case. Reid was already informed." I explained.

I looked down to the ground and turned to rush back to my car when Reid spoke up. "Hey! You told me, that if everyone wanted you here, you would stay! And so far it seems like everyone wants you here."

It was then I looked straight ahead and began the walk back to Tessa's home. After about ten steps, Reid took a step forward and began to speak. 

"Nicki, please. We need someone like you on the team. And, no, not because of your mind. But because you know how to relate, you're someone we can all talk to, you are a missing piece of the puzzle and I feel like if you stay, we can continue saving the world in such a way that is so needed. Please, Nicki. Stay."

I had no other choice but to ignore him. I couldn't allow him to get my hopes up, and, knowing Spencer, he'd probably be the only one able to do so. It isn't up to me, it's up to Aaron and Strauss. So, I hopped in my SUV, and drove off, going straight to the jet, and boarding. 

After being sure that the pilot was one hundred percent aware that it was only me, and not to take off, I made my way over to the coffee station at the very back and brewed myself enough coffee to keep me up all night. Not that I would need it anyway. 

I was only in the jet for ten minutes, and have already blown through at least fifteen cups of coffee, I lost count. So, I spent that night, curled in a ball in the back of the jet, sipping on my coffee, and not getting a wink of sleep.

It is also very possible that I let my bottle of emotions crack, so I decided, due to the fact that I was alone, that it was safe to let it out. It was time to empty it all out. 

Emily's POV

After Jerone left, we assumed she went to the hotel where we set up camp earlier, and as she was roomed with me, I figured I better go and see if she was okay.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna head back to the hotel and make sure Jerone is alright. I'll see you guys in the morning."

As I left, I heard a series of 'goodnights' and 'let me knows'. I sighed as I got into my SUV and headed in the direction of our hotel. Once I got there, I immediately went to check our room for any signs of Jerone.

I unlocked the door, only to find the room pitch black. That probably wasn't a good sign. But, then again, it was a long night. 

Alright, maybe she's asleep? 

I was confused as to why the lights would be off for any other reason. Unless, of course, she wasn't here. 

So, I did what any other reasonable person would do, and flicked on the lights. I nearly screamed at the fact that the bed was empty, untouched, and Jerone's stuff was, if it was even ever here in the first place, gone.

"Jerone? Hello? JERONE!? Nicoletta?" I called out at least five times before reaching for my cell. I called the first contact in my list, which happened to be Rossi. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hey, Emily. Did you find Nicki? Is she alright?" He asked, clearly in the back of an SUV, as I heard other voices.

"Um, about that. Put me on speaker." I waited as he did that, then heard the voices of the other team members.

"What's up, Em?" I heard JJ ask, confused.

"It's Jerone. She's not here, and I don't think she ever was. She may have hopped on a flight back to Quantico early, so change of plans. Head back to the jet and I'll meet you there." With that, I hung up, grabbed my stuff, and rushed back down and into the SUV.

I sped through every speed limit I had to in order to get there as fast as possible. I got there just as the other members were exiting their vehicle. Looking around I noticed Jerone's SUV was parked on the strip.

Hotch noticed as well and signaled for us to be quiet. We all inched closer and closer until we rushed aboard. No lights were on, except by the back of the plane. It, at first, appeared to be silent, save our breathing. However, the closer we listened, the more we began to hear it.

"Nicki?" Hotch called out.

We waited a few seconds before hearing a quiet groan and shuffling around. "Uh, Aaron? What are you doing here, we aren't scheduled to leave till morning." She sounded, almost, sad?

"Nicki c'mon. You know I could easily ask you the same question. Now, why don't you come out?"

"Um, okay?" And for the first time since meeting Ms. Nicoletta Jerone, she sounded unsure. But with that, she stood up and walked out.

It was, odd, and slightly concerning, to say the least. For the first time since meeting Nicoletta, her emotions were clear. Her eyes were rimmed red, her cheeks rosy and dewy, bags upon bags under her eyes, her hair a mess. It was so different from the usually perfect vision of this girl, I didn't know what to think.

"Hey, sorry for running off like that. I just needed some space. You guys can go ahead and rest, while I alert the pilot that we will be leaving earlier than expected." She then walked to the very front to speak with our pilot, wiping at her face vigorously.

"She forgot her mug," Reid said, and as he picked it up, as he did he was able to smell it, "Jesus, this is strong."

"I don't get it, guys. The poor girl looked exhausted. Why the hell would she be drinking coffee at this time of night, especially since she's so exhausted?" Morgan asked, concerned.

"Whatever guys. It's her business, but she's right. Rest now and when we land, we'll talk to her more about a permanent job. But, at least for now, we're Heading Home." Hotch gave his order, and immediately everyone settled down somewhere.

But, I couldn't help but notice the look Rossi and Hotch shared, or the concerned look they both shot at Nicoletta, as she walked back down the aisle, her eyes avoiding their gaze.

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