Oh my lord (Maynard boys)

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Here we go again, the Maynard boys are fighting, over something so stupid. I decided to go over to Anna's house today to hang out and it just so happens that it's the day her brothers come over. Now don't get me wrong, I love her brothers, they are cute, funny, weird, did I mention cute? Okay, so I might have a little crush on both of them...oops. Yeah, but neither of them would like me back.

"I'm the favorite," was all you could hear, them going back and fourth.

"No, you wanna know who the favorite is," their mother asked them. Mrs. Maynard is the sweetest; I'm always over here so she treats me like one of her own.

"Yeah," both of them said in unison.

"Y/n!" This even surprised me, I'm not her kid so why should I be counted as a favorite?

"Mum, she's not even-"

"I count her as one of my children because she's over here all the time. I practically know her more than her own mother," she came over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Who's your second favorite," Conor asked.

Without skipping a beat, "Anna."

"What," they both yelled.

"Guys just give it a break," I barged in.

"Easy for you to say, you're the favorite," Jack fired back.

"Yeah well I'm not in my household so I know what it feels like. Sorry but not everyone can have an amazing family like you guys, some have to look for food and find a different place to stay because they are unsafe at their normal home," I looked at them upset. That's when their eyes widened and they shut up. "Anna, can we go upstairs?"

"Sure," she grabbed my arm and rushed me upstairs.

"Was I wrong in saying the truth," I asked Anna.

"No," she replied, "I just don't think they were expecting it."

"Yeah," I got up from her soft bed. "I'm going to the bathroom." As I walked out of Anna's room, I bumped into Conor. "Oops sorry," I put my hand up defensively.

"You're good," he smiled. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said."

"You're fi-"

"No," he placed his hands on my waist. "I'm not fine, I did something shitty and I should make it up to you."

"How?" I asked.

"How about a kiss?" he asked.

"Is that for your benefit or supposed to be for mine?"

"Both?" he questioned.

"A hug will be just fine, now put your arms at your side," I demanded.

"What?" he shrugged, "you don't trust me?"

"Not after what you just said. Now arms down," he did as I said and I wrapped my arms around him. His body was warm and my heart skipped a beat. I wanted to stay like this forever. Until I realized who I was hugging. I jumped back quickly, "sorry, now will you excuse me?"

A/n- So I'm still alive. I know this is a short update but there will be another part to this x reader. I've been busy with a lot and writing isn't one of my top priorities right now. I'm trying to update as much as I can here soon, but sooner or later I'm going to stop this x reader. I have other stories if you want to check them out. One of them is another buttercream squad x reader, except its a high school version. Thanks for being so patient with the updates and if you have any requests just comment them or message me, thank you!

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