#Justin's Girl

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💝Justin's Girl💝

#1. Justin says he would NEVER let the girl pay for his date.

#2. He likes it when the girl blushes because then he knows that he made her feel special.

#3. Justin likes sporty, active, nice, down to earth girls.

#4. Once in an interview,

Interviewer: How do you draw the attention of a girl?

Justin: Hi, I'm Justin Bieber!

#5. Sean Kingston gives Justin Girl's advice.

#6. "I melt when a girl kisses my neck, even just a kiss I melt!" Justin said.

#7. Once in an interview...

Interviewer: Would you date a girl who doesn't speak English?

Justin: Yeah, it's not a problem. I'll reach her.

#8. He thinks PARIS is the world's most romantic city.

#9. Justin wants to get married on Valentines day.


Next chapter is

💝Justin Bieber's 8 Most Romantic Songs For Selena Gomez💝

#Question for today is

Are you a Jelena fan?

If you ask me, well, not really at first..

But I love his smile when they are together, especially after all the drama that had happened, so guess I like to see them together.. :)

Anyway, go on and COMMENT what you think about Jelena?

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