Is It Too Late To Apologize?

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Gabbys POV

I woke up with the biggest hangover ever. Dammit. I just got this drunk so I could try to get HIM out of my mind. Ahh my bed feels so comfy right now. Wait who's arm is around my waist?!?AND WHY ARE THEY SHIRTLESS?!? Awww not again! Wait this feels oddly familiar and really nice which is weird the only guy I've ever been this comfortable with is Austin.... wait. I look over and see Austin is indeed sleeping next to me with his arm around me.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" I let out the loudest scream I could conjure up. I scare him so much that he falls off the bed. Good.

"What the hell was that for?" he asks sleepily from the floor.

"GABBY OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!?" my mom asks running to my room.

"Yeah mom I just had a surprise this morning." I say quickly when she gets to my room.

"Oh I see you found Austin. You two just need to make up already. He didn't cheat on you and you know it." My mom said muttering the last part while she walked away.

"I heard that!" I yelled

"Good!" she said closing the door.

"Please please PLEASE tell me we didn't do it." I say facing Austin who is now standing up in only his boxers. He seriously did get hotter I mean he has a six pack and everythin- BAD THOUGHTS!

"No, I would never take advantage of you like that." he says calmly but I can tell he's trying to hold back a smile.

"Good. Why are you smiling did something happen yesterday?" I ask nervously.

"Well when I got to the party you were drunk as a skunk and you were gonna start stripping on a table. So I picked you up, drove you home, and you told me not to go." he says but I can tell he's leaving something out, something important.

"Your not telling me something. What did I say?" I ask sudpiciosly.

"Nothing." he asks in a full out smile.

"Just know that if you ever want to fix us we can talk about it." he said now fully clothed.

"Now why would I want to do that?" I ask my heart beating. I said something about loving him didn't I? Dammit.

"No reason but listen Gabby we really need to talk. Seriously." he said. Suddenly serious.


*********** Austins POV **********

"Gabby can I please just finally have a chance to explain what really happened?" I ask really nervous I want her to hear the truth.

"Fine. Just let me shower first I want to be awake." She says after thinking it over for about five minutes. I could tell she was completely nervous and had been waiting to hear this for a while.

She grabs a towel and heads off to the shower.

When she closes the door to the bathroom I finally get a good chance to look at her room. Everythings still the same from the midnight blue walls to the queen sized bed with the green blanket to the guitar! YES! I go grab it and start playing Hey There Delilah by The Plain White T's. I taught Gabby how to play but she's still the better one out of the both of us, though I hate to admit it. Just as I'm finishing I hear her turning the shower off.

"Nice one Austin, you've gotten better." I hear her say from inside.

"Thanks." I say smiling. I honestly can't believe she's still in love with me I mean wow. I finally get a chance to explain, yes! She steps out of the bathroom and it's the Gabby I know. She looks gorgeous with her wet hair, baggy clothes, and glasses.

"Sorry I look awful I know, it's too early to wear real clothes." she says and I can tell she's completely petrifried by this point.

"What the hell are you talking about, you look amazing." I say softly as she sits down next to me.

"Thanks. Um so what did you want to tell me?" she asks really cautiously.

"You know how I was really drunk that night? Okay well I swear I honestly thought I was making out with you I had no idea it was Jamie. Please believe me it's the truth I was half asleep and drunk please Gabby." I said begging her looking her in the eyes.

"Austin I really want to, but then how do you explain Jamie saying you two hooked up? Or you telling all of your football buddies that? Or making me the school whore? I'm sick and tired of being lied to just don't." she said, facing her back to me. I could see her shoulders shaking and I could tell that she was crying.

"I didn't tell anyone that. They all just wanted to believe it. Jamie is a liar, okay. And you decided that by yourself it breaks my heart to see you like that everyday. Please don't cry." I say I can't handle this. All I ever do is hurt her. It would be best if I just left her alone, but I'm too selfish.

"I c-can't believe you! I just can't! Everywhere I look I see you! You hurt me! You broke me beyond repair, okay?!? Get that your thick skull! It doesn't matter that I still love you-" she was cut off by me kissing her.

Authors Note: okay so I have completely made up my mind and Alex Petyfer ( I think that's how you spell his name) will play Austin and Lily Collins is going to play Gabby. I'm starting HS next Monday so if anyone has any advice about THAT pleas please message me. Also because of that I might not be updating that often. If you have any ideas about this story or any of my other ones (Especially "What Exactly Happened Last Year) just message me. If you are confused about any part of this story just message me and I'll answer any questions. Oh and these songs that I talk about if you haven't heard them just YouTube them and if you think that a song describes this story just message me and I'll check it out. Wow I am rambling just one more thing: I need a cover!!! If anyone wants to help me with that I will make you a character and dedicate two chapters to you so just private message me about that. Well I hope you comment, vote, and/or fan ;)


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