Chapter 2

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"Friday the 13th is tomorrow, you know," Yui said as she took a small bite of the parfait that was kept before her.
"So?" Hitoshi raised his eyebrows.
"The fortune-teller. Don't you remember? She said something about the dead coming back on that day."
"Urgh, not again..."

The following day after the summer festival. It was Thursday afternoon. The gang was inside an ice-cream parlour, seated on the benches that were lining against the glass windows through which they can see the scorching heat almost drying up people's throats.

The ice-cream parlour was a famous one in the entire town, so without any doubt, it was packed with customers who were escaping from the hot weather outside and into the cool air-conditioned shop. Luckily, the group was able to find some seats for themselves. However, over a trifle conversation, a heated argument arose.

"I'm getting scared...what if something bad happens on that day?" Asami said.
"It's your fault, Haruko for taking us to that creepy fortune-teller! Now look, you got Asami terrified!" Shinji accused the female athlete.
"No, I didn't! It isn't my fault that she's a scaredy-cat."
"I'm not a scaredy-cat!"

The loud quarrel attracted the attention of the other customers. Now it was Tomohiko's turn to resolve the dispute with his commendable sense of reasoning.

"There is nothing to worry about, Asami. She was a weird old lady who seemed to enjoy scaring people. Haruko was nowhere at fault for this," he said.

After absorbing in his logic, Shinji and Asami quietened down while Haruko grinned in triumph. Peace once again returned and the only sounds in the shop were those of the soft whispers of the customers as they talked amongst themselves, and the automatic glass-door opening while more people entered.

"That date..." Yui started,"Friday the 13th is a day when the spirits of the deceased return to the earth, either to meet their loved ones...or to haunt them. This theory is more popular in the Western countries where they have even made movies on it. This is not a topic much conversed on in a country like ours."

"Hmm...I see," Tomohiko rested his chin on his hand.
"Sounds more like Halloween if you ask me," Hitoshi said.

The adolescents finished their desserts and with the least interest to step out in the sun once again, they found themselves walking on the footpath leading to the park.

Even though at a time like this when the park should be filled with people, it was mostly deserted and only a few children were playing a game of 'kick the can' even under the intense summer heat. The park covered a large area and the public garden was separated from the playground by high bushes shaped like walls.

The group made their way under the shade of the trees where Hitoshi sat down on the ground, not willing to move any further.

"Argh, it's so hot here!" he complained.
"Maybe we should visit somewhere cool next summer...How about England?" Haruko brought up the topic of planning a trip.
"Nah...too expensive," Shinji said.

After some more discussion on this proposal, the group realized that it was getting late and the sun was about to set. Finally a chilly breeze blew which earned a sigh of relief from them but in turn got Nagisa to land in a series of sneezes.

"Seems like I got a cold..."

At the suggestion of Asami, the friends decided to help themselves to some warm drinks at the vending machine which was right around the corner of the rose bushes in the garden. Taking their preferred drinks, the girls sat on the bench while the boys stood in a corner discussing about the new models of motorbikes.

A small bulletin board stood erect on the opposite of the vending machine, displaying many old and new posters about lost puppies, wanted criminals and current news feed. Curious, Yui got up and headed towards the bulletin board with her warm chocolate-milk can in her hand. Her dark orbs went wide as her eyes landed on a particular poster.

"Hey guys? I think you should check this out," she called out to her mates, who appeared beside her and followed her gaze.

"What's wrong?" Shinji asked.

"The poster here says that an unknown serial killer is at large. Till now he had murdered countless young people for no reason at all. He is very dangerous and the police hasn't able to track him down yet. They are warning us to stay indoors till he is caught."


The youths got intimidated by the news of a murderous psychopath on loose while they were still outside, unsafe. Asami held her hands to her face and started weeping, while her lover gently rubbed her back consoling the frightened girl.

"Let's head back to our homes," Tomohiko instructed.
"Yeah, and besides it says here that the attacks occur mostly at night."

The group agreed and went on their separate paths leading to their homes. Night was setting in and Tomohiko was pacing towards his house, his footsteps producing the only sound that echoed through the still night. Occasionally, the chirping of the crickets could be heard from a distance along with the flickering sound of the overhead lamppost on the empty street.

All seemed normal but to Tomohiko, a feeling of oddness prevailed in his mind which was a feeling that was in no way explainable. A weird sensation was felt throughout his body as if he were carrying a heavy load on his back.

"I won't forgive..."

He stopped and turned around. Was someone following him? He realized that the crickets had stopped chirping and a mysterious, more like sinister, aura had surrounded him and this particular aura wanted him to know about its presence. Tomohiko gulped as the weight on his back seemed to increase with each passing moment and a cold breath touching his neck.

"I won't forgive..."

This was too much for Tomohiko as he made a dash for his house which was not much far away. He slammed the door after him and went up to his room, avoiding the constant calls from his mother downstairs, and hid under the blankets.

He could not interpret in his mind what just happened back there, but he did know that he heard a faint voice - a voice of a woman. Still scared, the boy forced himself to sleep without having his dinner, much to his mother's dismay.

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