TOM HOLLAND • I want Cake

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Tom smiled at you, "No, Tom. It's not for you," you said to him.

"but I really want some," he muttered, looking at the cake sitting on the bench behind you.

"Tom! That's for Zendaya's birthday," you laughed,
"you're a terrible friend."

He didn't stop looking at it, "I'm dying, can I have cake now?" He asked.

"You're not dying."

"Then can I just have cake?" He have you the biggest puppy dog eyes you'd ever seen,

"oh my god, Tom are you four?" You giggled.

"If I'm four then you're dating a minor, Y/N!" He said, looking fake-horrified. You walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"fine, you're not a four year old! But you look like one..." You laughed at your own joke, Harrison from around the corner burst into a fit of laughter, you didn't even know how he heard you. 

Tom's eyes widened, he blinked a few times, "well then," he fake sobbed.

He ran past you into the kitchen, swiping a piece of icing from the cake, "Tom!" You yelled, laughing and chasing him back out of the kitchen.

"Well if you're gonna be mean, I get cake," he giggled, eating the chunk of icing.


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