Love and Loss.

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{{Edited - 12/05/2020}}

{Warning, this chapter will contain scenes of miscarriage, I understand that some readers may find this upsetting, what I've written about is a very hard subject for me too, so I understand if you would rather not read this chapter.}

1 Month Later

^Gracie's PoV^

I held the ultrasound picture in my hand. I was 16 weeks pregnant and today Frankie and I had found we were having twins. A boy and a girl.

Both of us were so excited and we couldn't wait to tell our friends and family.

We walked out of the doctors hand in hand. I still couldn't quite believe we'd been blessed with not one but two children.

We didn't want to do anything fancy to celebrate or tell everyone, we were just going to invite Ollie, Elvis and Georgie, 2 Section and Charlie and Molly around to our place.

A couple of days after we'd got back from our honeymoon Frankie had surprised me with our own home.

It was spacious and beautiful and not too far from Georgie's house, nor Ollie's. Turns out that 2 Section has already sorted out the whole house to surprisingly good standards. I was really thankful to have them as my family.

The car ride home was quiet, but it was a blissful quiet. Both me and Frankie were in shock.

It would be double everything, double the crying, double the nappies, double the toys and all of that but more importantly double the love to be given and received.

I was just so ready to be a mother and Frankie, well he was always going to be an amazing father. I never doubted that at all.

When we arrived home, Frankie being the gentleman he is opened my car door and helped me out.

"How are you feeling?" He asked accompanying me inside the house his hand on the small of my back.

"Okay, excited and a little scared. I'll call around babe. I love you." I say standing on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"I love you more my angel." He kissed my forehead and then knelt down to kiss my belly.

I found that gesture so sweet.

-/-/- 5 Hours Later

^Gracie's PoV^

I greeted everyone as they walked through the door. They'd all arrived at the same time, except Charlie and Molly who's journey was considerably longer, and were immediately in the garden. Of course; the food was there.

I was sat inside watching the people I loved the most converse, and just be here in general. I was joined by Georgie and I stood up to hug her.

My belly, for 16 weeks to be carrying one baby was large, which was what everyone must've thought. Especially Georgie. But it was completely normal for twins.

"How are you doing Grace?" Georgie asked pulling up a chair next to me.

"Great. I can't wait to tell you all the gender." I say with a small smile.

"How are you?" I ask. My eyes glancing to Ollie, Frankie and Elvis. Those three were always going to be inseparable.

"I'm great thanks Grace. Still hard to believe Elvis and Ollie are going back on tour in a week." Georgie says.

"I know. I'm scared, but I know they're tough. You know that you're welcome to stay with me and Frankie. I won't have any answer but yes. You're family and I know you'd do the same if it was Frankie going on tour." I say.

Out of The DarkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ