A Wedding Again, and a Surprise.

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{{Edited - 12/05/2020}}

4 Months Later

^Gracie's PoV^

"Oh shut up Ollie, she's not going to hurt you." I say trying to contain my laughter.

Me and Frankie were getting married in less than 24 hours and being ever traditional, I'd gone to stay at Elvis and Georgie's new place. No groom seeing the bride before the wedding.

They'd recently moved out, even though they'd barely gone 4 miles away, it was a beautiful house, and me and Ollie and Frankie visited almost every other day.

With the house they'd also purchased a dog, a Siberian husky called Blue. Named for her piercing blue eyes. 

Ollie didn't like dogs, and Blue was wanting him to pet her. I was having a field day and Georgie was wetting herself.

Oliver McClyde the big scary Special Forces Captain was afraid of dogs.

"I'm going to go check my suit and then we can go out." Ollie said and then made a quick exit.

Me and Georgie were still absolutely laughing our heads off.

Since I had no sisters I'd asked Georgie to be my maid of honour, and both Marie and Lulu to be my bridesmaids. I'd asked Ollie to be the one who gave me away and he'd obliged.

We were going out for some lunch and a final dress fitting before tomorrow. Me and Frankie had a honeymoon booked to Rome and after the night-do had concluded we were catching a plane.

When Ollie came downstairs he was completely ready, I grabbed my coat and Georgie hugged me before we left.


Lunch was absolutely delicious and me and Ollie both had a massive talk about so many things. I was so excited for this dress fitting because apart from Frankie obviously, Ollie was the only one who hadn't seen my dress.

After Ollie had paid for lunch, ever insistent that it was his treat, we went to the dress shop.

There was only one problem with my dress that would need to be fixed. It was too small...

I was 2 months pregnant.

I'd found out yesterday and quickly scheduled a dress fitting. Only I knew about the fact I was carrying a baby. I wanted Frankie to be the first to know.

We ended up in the empty shop pretty quickly, my seamstress and the owner of the shop, Jackie, pulled me in for a hug. She ushered me into the fitting room and I was put into my dress. I'd chosen the perfect gown. Once the bodice was secured and Jackie had let the dress out and had made all the alterations I stepped out from behind the curtain.

Ollie's eyes landed on me and he stood up, his lips forming a huge smile.

"It's so beautiful Grace, you look absolutely stunning. I never thought my little sister would be married before me but I'm so glad you've found a man to share your life with and to start a family with." Ollie's gaze floated down to my belly and I frowned.

"I saw the tests Grace, I hid them, but I saw them. I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle. You're going to be a mother. I know you're going to be such an amazing mum. You and Frankie are made for each other." Ollie leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

Out of The DarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon