Don't Give Up Hope

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Edited — 08/10/2020

^Charlie's PoV^

"Does anyone have eyes on Gracelynn?! Shit. Get Mansfield and lets get the hell out of here." I ran my hand over my face. I'd failed the only thing I'd been asked to do, I had to keep Gracie safe and now the bloody Taliban have taken her hostage.

The drive back to base was silent, Allie just kept looking at Gracie's bracelet. Though they tried to keep it a secret, I knew and so did all of 2 Section that they were together.

"Guys, conference room now!" I got out of the truck and walked, fast paced to the brigadiers office.

"Local ambulance was ambushed at approx. 1300 hours. Medic taken hostage, two Cat A's have been med evac'd. Permission to call in Special Forces brigadier." I said maintaining a steady tone and trying to hold myself together.

"Already on it Captain James, called in Harte and McClyde, spanner and peanut too. They'll arrive in 3 days, and won't be briefed until they land here." The brig looked pitiful and then dismissed me.

I walked into the conference room, absolutely and completely disgusted to have failed Gracie.

"Boss?" Allie asked as I walked into the conference room. Everyone stood rigid and I looked at them and they sat down. Knowing that right now form wasn't the top of anyone's list.

"This wasn't your fault Boss, I should've followed the ambulance quicker." Rab began.

"No Khalil, I won't have you take the blame. I promised Bones to look after his sister and now I failed that. I won't have any of you blaming yourselves. It was my fault and I'm going to need you all on your A game if we're going to get her home, which we are. I've just briefly spoken to the brigadier. He's called Special Forces in, which means in 3 days we'll have Elvis, Ollie, peanut and spanner here. But they won't be briefed until they land here." I reiterate all I was told.

"What can we do Boss?" Allie asked. A sharp glint in her eyes showed me how much she cared and I looked at her.

"We need to be on all computer transmissions incase they pop up, all movements between a 50 mile radius of where Gracie was taken needs to be monitored and I want half of you to get your heads down and the others to get monitoring and then switch. Cameron on me, the rest of you get started." I say and walk out the room after receiving 'Boss'.

"Your involvement in this situation has to be the top of your game. You cannot let your feelings get in the way, it could jeopardise the whole rescue mission. I know you love her, I do too as if she were my own. And we're going to get her back but keep your feelings to yourself until we get her back okay Cameron?" I say. Though it pained me to say that it was the truth and the correct thing.

"Yes Boss, I'll be monitoring first. See you later Boss." She walked away her hands still clutched around the bracelet.

—/7 Days Later\—

"We've heard nothing Boss! It's all quiet and I don't like it. No transmissions. No movement." Rab calls out.

I walk over and sigh, there was a delay with the detachment and SF are coming today.

As if thinking about them summoned them a helicopter flew over head and began its descent. I walk over and 4 men disembark the helicopter and it flies away.

"Charlie." Ollie says and gives a nod.

"Ollie. Here's your brief." I say and hand out the envelopes.

"Thanks Boss, can I read it once I've seen Gracie? I haven't heard from her since she arrived." Ollie asks and I see him scanning the camp already.

Elvis, who'd already torn the sealed envelope, looks to me and then Ollie.

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