Once Brian went into the interview room, one of the producers came to get me, to let me know that it was time for my part to begin. It was time to film the real intro to this punishment. The crew hooked me up with a mic and earpiece so I could communicate with the guys throughout the punishment. I would only be able to hear the guys, not Brian. And Brian wouldn't be able to hear me either. He could only see me behind the mirror.

"Are you ready?" Sal asked, before we began filming.

"I don't know. Now that I'm here, I'm kind of nervous," I admitted.

"Don't be nervous, you'll do great," Murray told me.

"But what If he gets really mad at me?" I asked.

The ideas we had for the punishment all sounded entertaining in my head. But now that I was actually on set, I was concerned that some of our ideas would be going too far. Was I a complete bitch for doing this?

"You'll be fine. If anything, he'll get mad at us. Not you," Joe tried to tell me.

"Don't forget why you're doing this in the first place. We've talked about this," Sal said, reminding me of some of Brian's jealous rampages.

"You're right. I'm ready. Let's do this," I told them.

After some reassurance from the guys, I was ready to get started. I stood next to Sal, as he and the guys filmed the REAL intro.

"So, Q thinks he's in that room for a regular challenge," Murr said.

"Welll...." The guys said in unison.

"What Q doesn't know is that we have his girlfriend Jess here," Sal said, pointing to me. I just smiled and waved at the camera.

"You might recognize her from Q's constant social media posts," Joe said, which made me laugh.

Not that I mind it, but Brian does post about me constantly on his social media. He also mentions me a lot on his podcast, Tell 'Em Steve Dave.

"Q is a very jealous person, especially when it comes to his girlfriend," Murr said.

"So, we've got Jess here to make him jealous, and basically aggravate him," Sal said.

"We'll need to tie Q down to the chair, so he can't get up. He can only watch what's happening," Joe said.

"We're not going to tell you exactly what she'll be doing yet. We want you to be just as surprised as Q," Murr told the audience.

After filming the real intro, the guys decided last minute that it would be hilarious if I was the one to tie Brian up. Originally, they had planned to have a few crew members do it. That way, they would get Brian's surprised reaction once he saw me behind the mirror. But the guys ultimately decided that me tying Brian up would only add to his confusion.

"Just go in there and tie him to the chair. But don't say much. Just tell him it's a punishment, but don't explain anything else. That'll just add to his confusion," Joe told me.

"Do you think you can do it?" Sal asked, making sure I was comfortable.

"Sure. If you guys think it will be funny, I'll do it," I told them.

With all the things we had planned for the day, this was the least of my worries. If Brian thought this was bad, there was a lot worse to come. The crew gave me some rope and handcuffs. As soon as I walked into the room, Brian's eyes widened and he looked completely baffled. The exact reaction the guys were hoping for.

"Jess? What are you doing here?" Brian asked, as he stood up from the chair.

Brian knew that it couldn't have been a good reason. I wasn't there to help him. Normally he was so happy to see me. But this was not one of those days. Brian walked towards me and tried to kiss me as if that would help him somehow. But I pulled away, shaking my head. I pointed towards the chair.

"Sit. This is your punishment," I told him.

"Don't say anything else!" Murr instructed me.

"What do you mean this is my punishment? What is this?" He asked.

Brian was desperate for answers, but I stayed silent.

"So you're just not going to say anything? You're not going to tell me why you're here?" Brian asked.

I shook my head. I could tell that his frustration was starting to build. I was still pointing at the chair, waiting for him to sit down again. The guys must have started talking to Brian in his earpiece. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Brian just looked like a crazy person that was talking to himself.

"What? No. Fuck you guys. You can't use my girlfriend against me. This is too far. Yes, Joe. We have used your wife. Yes, Sal. We have used your sister. I know I can't say no to a punishment, but.... No, I don't want to quit the show," Brian said in defeat.

Brian finally sat down, allowing me to tie him up.

"You look really hot today, by the way. I mean, you always do but..." Brian told me. I smiled, but the compliments weren't going to help him today.

"That's not going to help me, is it? It's only going to make things worse for me?" Brian asked. He must have read my mind.

Now he was catching on. I shook my head and laughed. Just as I was finishing tying him up, he still had some more comments. Maybe he was just trying to make the best of it. He thought making a joke out of the thing would make him feel better.

"My girlfriend tying me up doesn't seem like much of a punishment so far. Seems like a regular night for us," Brian said, with a huge smirk on his face.

I looked at the camera, Joe Gatto style, and shook my head while I rolled my eyes at Brian's comment. I was a little embarrassed that Brian was talking about our sex life. But I needed to toughen up a bit if I was ever going to survive this punishment. Brian leaned towards me again, trying to get a kiss. But I just kept pulling away, aggravating him even more.

"You're really not going to kiss me?" he asked.

Brian began staring at me with his signature brown puppy dog eyes, trying to make me feel guilty. It was almost working. Almost. Once I had finished tying him up, making sure everything was tight, I stood back to admire my work. I made sure this process took longer than necessary, just to drag out the anticipation for him. Before I left, I caved and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"That's it? I don't even get a real kiss?" he asked me, looking extremely disappointed. I just shook my head again.

"Will you at least pull your dress up? Does everybody have to see that?" Brian asked, glaring at my cleavage.

This was going to be a LONG day for Brian. He just told me I looked hot, but now he wants me to cover myself up because I'm exposing too much. I looked him straight in the eyes, and pulled the top of my dress further down, defiantly exposing more cleavage.

"Oh really, Jessica? That's how we're going to play it?" Brian asked, getting defensive.

I smirked and nodded. Then I leaned over, so my cleavage was right in his face. He tried to kiss me again, but I pulled away. I was doing my best to tease him. If I was going to be a part of this punishment, I was going to give it my all. I wanted to do it to the best of my ability.

"Don't do anything stupid," Brian yelled, as I began walking away.

Brian should've known better...

A/N: Just wanted to thank @writerforquinn. She's given me some useful feedback on my stories, and it's always fun to trade ideas with her. If you haven't already, go check out her writing! She's a great writer, and she has two IJ stories up at the moment! 

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