7. split

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the next morning after Johnny showed up at our doorstep, i was better. the gang seemed to have calmed down after Johnny got up and started walking around the house. Dally was by his side the whole time, making sure Johnny didn't fall and such. they must have a real friendship, which was weird cuz Dally didn't have 'friends.' only people he hasn't pissed off yet.

i walked into the kitchen to find some bacon sitting on the table. but i didn't see Darry, he must've gone to work early. i was also surprised cuz the bacon wasn't already eaten by Two-bit or Steve. i go to the living room to find the entire gang, even Darry, crowding around Johnny. Johnny was sleeping on the couch. "hey guys, there's bacon in the kitchen... if yall want some," i say trying to lighten the mood. "not hungry," Two-bit says. "i'm fine," Pony says. it sounded like he was going to cry. "guys, Johnny's gonna be fine, yall are gettin' too hung up on this and not takin' care of yourselves. i'm sorry that this happened, but it's only a couple of cuts and bruises. he ain't gonna die," i say kinda angered. i don't even know why i'm mad. but something snapped in the boys.

"YOU JUST SHUT YOUR TRAP, SHYLA! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BEING BEAT UP AND FORGOTTEN!" Pony screamed at me. i stepped back, but Two-bit shot another comment at me. "SHYLA, JOHNNY'S THE BEST THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO THIS GANG! MAYBE YOU SHOULDA STAYED IN MAINE!" that slur hit me hard. i heard Darry gasp, like he knew what was gonna happen next. i ran to my room and slammed the door as hard as i could.

Sodapop's POV

we all heard Shyla's door slam and knew that we messed up. i glared at Two-bit cuz i knew his speech hurt her the most. but i won't let Pony get away.

i walked up to Shyla's room and knocked. i got no answer, so i knocked again. no answer. i figured she would be givin' us the silent treatment. i decided to talk to the door loud enough so she could hear me.

"hey Shyla? can we talk? i know ya don't like us right now, and we're sorry. Two-bit and Pony are awful sad. can you just say something?" after i didn't get an answer, i walked in. i know i shoulda told her i was walking in, but this is too much. when i looked up, i didn't see Shyla in the room.

Dally's POV

i was sitting on the arm rest of the couch Johnnycake was laying on. he was tired after walking around the house, with my help of course. i was just minding my own business when Shyla, the long lost Curtis twin, said some stuff. "guys, Johnny's gonna be fine, yall are gettin' too hung up on this and not takin' care of yourselves. i'm sorry that this happened, but it's only a couple of cuts and bruises. he ain't gonna die," she said.

aw man, how i wanted to beat the tar outta her when she said that. if i did that, i wouldn't get a shot at her, she's got her looks. anyways Pony and Two-bit said some really mean things to her and she stomped off to her room. i had to say something. "way to go Two-shit and Phonyboy, you guys made her cry!" i yelled. before i could follow her to her room, Soda beat me to the door. i just thought i've had enough so i left the house for a bit.

Shyla's POV

i had to get out of that house. i know i just got here but i just got yelled at by my brother and my best friend. or so i thought. i grabbed my jean jacket and my shoes. i was gettin' away from this place, just for a little bit. i climbed out the window and carefully climbed down the tree. once my feet touched the ground, i sprinted towards the DX that Soda and Steve work at. i'm just glad they weren't working today. i needed a cigarette. there was only one guy at the register, and he wasn't paying any attention to me. so i ripped open a pack of cigarettes and took one. i put the ripped one back and stole a fresh box. i've heard that makes the workers mad cuz it makes the insides of the other cigarettes soggy.

after my shoplifting adventure, i decided to head into town and walk around. i didn't really care about all the socs slurring comments at me. i always carried a blade so if i got jumped i'd be fine.

my walk was going perfectly fine, but then when i passed an open alley, i heard punching and yelling. at first i thought it was socs being socs till i realized the yelling was a little kid. i went in to stop the asshole that was beating him, as i got closer i saw that the asshole was Dally. "Dally?" i say. he turned around and saw me and then he stopped punching the kid. "uh.. hi Shyla," he said. he put the kid down and whispered something in his ear and the kid ran off. "what was that?" i asked. "i told that lil shit to give me something. he came back with nothing and that was his punishment," Dally said. "c'mon let's get outta here. i don't want the cops to come around. that 'lil shit' was yelling mighty loud."

Dally took me to a party at this dude named Buck's place. it was wild in there. people were drunk in the bars and in the billiards room, people were grinding on the pool tables. it was gross, but i got used to it. i have a feeling that i'm gonna be here for awhile.

i've had a few drinks and i was feeling pretty drowsy. well i was till Dally came up to me and started sucking my face off. me being drunk went along with it and did the same to him. Dally took me to a bedroom and i just passed out on the bed before anything dirty happened.

hi. idk how cigarettes work so i did my best. and i don't write smut cuz im that kinda person so yea no smut here. oooo and i'll be changing up the perspectives. fun

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