Boyfriend Does My Makeup

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*Lauren's POV*

"Hey whatsup E&L Gangggg. I'm Lauren, this is Emily and welcome back to our channel!" I say beginning our youtube video

"To anyone who is new, welcome! Hit that subscribe button and give this video a big THIQQQQQ thumbs up! So today we have some special guests joining us. Lauren you wanna introduce them?" Emily says

"Yeah! Okay so they are very important people. Introducing first. He's 7 feet tall, his hair may look like the top of a pineapple but ladies and gentlemen don't worry he pulls it off. Everyone welcome Emily's boyfriend and my best friend.... ZION KUWONUUUU WOHOOOO" I say as me and Emily both start cheering

"Ahhh wow such an honor, such an honor. And Lauren my hair doesn't look like a pineapple" Zion says taking a seat next to Emily

"Ehhh okay we'll agree to disagree" I say

"Okay we've saved the best for last ladies and gentlemen. He's a whole 5 foot 8 but thats alright. He is a perfect mix of Pauly D and Vinny from Jersey Shore. Please welcome... my amazing beautiful, gorgeous, I could go on and on, MY BOYFRIEND NICK MARAAAAA" I say as we all cheer again

"Really a perfect mix of Pauly D and Vinny?" Nick says laughing

"Yep" I laugh back

"Alright so the reason why they are both here is basically Zion and Nick are gonna do our makeup. Zion's gonna do mine and Nick is gonna do Lauren's. We can't tell them anything, they are completely on their own." Emily explains

We end the intro and walk into Emily and Zion's bathroom where we had everything set up. Emily set up the camera on the tripod so that it could capture both of us. Then we brought in our makeup and laid it out for them. Emily hit record and we began.

*Emily's POV*

"Woah. you have so much makeup. I don't even know where to begin" Zion says in awe

"Same" Nick agreed

Zion first started out by taking my headband and putting it on to get the hair out of my face. He normally watches me get ready all the time so I was kinda confident that he would know a little bit.

"Alright bamb. hair is out of ya face. next ummm that liquid stuff" Zion says thinking out loud

I sit there quietly laughing at how hard he's concentrating. He grabbed my favorite foundation and now he was questioning which brush to use.

"Where is that egg thing you always use" He asks me

"I can't tell you babe but literally look for it" I say

"Fuck it I'm gonna use my hands" He says pouring way to much foundation in his hands

"Oh god. Just when I had faith in you" I say shaking my head

We didn't hear anything from Nick and Lauren but when we looked over, Nick found her beauty blender and was practically hitting her face with the sponge


"Omg I'm sorry, are you hurt" Nick stops everything he's doing to make sure she's okay

"No babe I'm fine. You have to wet the sponge boo" Lauren says shaking her head

Even though were not supposed to tell them anything, if Lauren didn't nick would have never got the foundation on her face. Once nick wet the beauty blender he started applying her foundation.

"Nowwww we're in business" Nick says

"What look are you going for babe" Lauren asks him

"A natural, glowy look" Nick says in a sassy tone

PrettyMuch imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon