Chapter 8 : mable .. please dont leave me ..

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💫Dippers p.o.v ✨
I grab my keys out of my pocket and unlock the front door to the mystery shack .. as I open the door and blindly walk in I see something I'll never be able to Un see ..
the place had been ransacked.. everything was knocked over and destroyed.. I look down and to my horror I see mable dead on the floor ... her throat had been slashed and she looked like she put up a fight ... tears start streaming down my face as I run to her , I drop down to the floor beside her and hold her in my arms crying.. her blood soaks my clothes.. but I could care less I just want my twin sister back ..

✨bills p.o.v ✨
I enter the mystery shack slowly,, I'm horrified to see Mable dead in dippers arms ,, I cover my mouth in awh and I walk over to dipper placing my hand on his back comforting ,,

" dipper... I'm so sorry.."

He just keeps crying holding his cold sister to his chest ..
he places Mable back on the floor and blood soaks his clothes, I take my hoodie off and I give it to dipper because I have an under shirt on

✨dippers p.o.v ✨
I take my blood soaked shirt off and put on bills yellow hoodie that was obviously to big for me ,
I get up and hug him quickly Burring my face into his chest ,
He hugs back ,

" should we look for your gruncals ?"


We break the hug and I head to the living room .. the tv is smashed and my gruncal stan is dead sitting on his reclining chair .. he was stabbed in the chest..  I cover my mouth and I turn away not being able to look at the Grissom Scene,
Bill comes up in front of me and hugs me ,
I hug back .

" I have to see I-if ford is o-okay.."
bill nods and we walk towards the vending machine , tripping over things on the way , I get to the vending machine and type the password in .
It opens and I walk down the stairs as Bill follows close behind me ,
Everything is trashed , but ford is lying on the floor unconscious but still breathing, thank god!!

I run to him and bill runs behind me .


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