"Harry where's your shovel?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

He turned on his heel, licking the frosting from his finger before walking towards me. "I'll grab it."

He walked by me and out to the garden, heading to the side of the house then emerging with a shovel and a bucket. I nodded, taking them from him quickly and giving them to the kids.

As I walked back, I couldn't help but notice the way Harry stared out the window at us longingly and I suddenly felt awkward.

He had been doing that a lot lately, ever since he helped Annabel in the pool then drove us to the emergency room, he's been giving us this weird look that put me in a weird position. I didn't like it.

"Babe will you hurry? The house will be full of kids soon and you haven't even started cleaning up!" Aria exclaimed. She trudged through the kitchen in a short silk robe with curlers in her hair. If I didn't know any better, she was acting like it was her birthday and not her sons.

Harry just rolled his eyes and gave her the finger behind her back.

"Well, I'm gonna head back to mine now. I'll drop Annabel back over for the party later." I told them, ushering my daughter to come over.

Aria looked at me funny and scrunched her brows, "you can leave her here, it's no problem."

"Thanks but I want to wash her and dress her properly first." I told her, feeling Annabel's hand slip into my own too. Aria nodded in understanding and reminded me to drop in with Jordan too, she wanted us to meet some of the other neighbors.

I couldn't help but grow anxious as Harry watched me so intensely interacting with aria, something he probably didn't expect to see ever.

"Babe, are you changing?" Jordan asks, eyeing me up and down.

I looked down at my casual outfit and then to his dress shirt and jeans. Why was he so dressed up for a kids party. I eyed him suspiciously while finishing up Annabel's hair.

"I mean, it's a kids party. I think my jeans and top will be fine." I told him.

Annabel slapped at my hands, letting me know I was hurting her and I cursed under my breath. "Stay still, I'm almost done."

"Mummy it hurts," she whined, stomping her little foot down. I rolled my eyes, her personality was becoming stronger and stronger as the days went by.

I slid a clip into the side of her hair and pat her shoulders. "There, all done."

I watched her small frame disappear from in between my lap and twirl around. She was getting so big. Her white sundress skimmed just above her knees and her pink shoes lit up every time she took a step. It was almost summer so she was looking a lot tanner than usual, something she must have gotten from Harry as I never tanned in the sun, just burnt.

"I'll bring her over, she'll be late. Put on something cute and meet us over there," Jordan announced, shoving Annabel towards the door as he checked his watch.

I was about to protest but the door slammed in my face and I huffed. I didn't even have anything cute to wear- it was a kids party. I cursed him in my head as I got up from my seat and headed to my room.

All I managed to rustle up was black jeans, a white tank top and an ivory colored cardigan that made me look like I was in my fifties. I slipped on my sneakers so I didn't feel so old and skipped on doing my hair.

I was only a half an hour late after doing my makeup and no one seemed to notice except for Aria as she squealed in delight and pulled me into the kitchen, which was full of women by the way.

My eyes widened. It looked like a cult, their beady eyes attacking me as I sat down.

"Ladies this is Mae, the new neighbor." Aria told them, an excited smile on her face.

"Hi." I smiled, not really knowing what to do as their judging looks spread my way.

"Nice to meet you, Mae." A few of them said, some coming up to shake my hand and then discuss who their kids were as we looked out onto the yard.

"Oh that's mine!" I yelled, pointing to Annabel who was currently tackling the boys to the floor in a game of tag. "I made her."

They rose their brows and watched her play dirty, her once snow white dress now mucky and full of grass stains.

"Oh, right. The one who's tackling my son.." a woman began.

"Oh, sorry-" I apologized, sticking my head out the window.

"Annabel Fletcher! Keep those hands to yourself!" I yelled, making her stop immediately. A smile spread across her face and she gave me a thumbs up, which I gave back.

The rest of the party was boring. I was forced to converse with all the mothers while Jordan and Harry sat at the table talking. It made me nervous, I wanted to know what they were talking about but I couldn't exactly leave the little ladies group and sit beside them instead.

But I did, anyways.

I scooted into a seat as Harry and Jordan watched me, Jordan giving me an irritated look while Harry looked amused.

"I can't stand them." I told Jordan. "They're all like thirty and talk absolute shit."

Harry laughed, "I thought you'd enjoy being around your own kind?"

I looked at him, I wanted to fight, by maybe now wasn't the best time. Instead I just gave him a sarcastic smile and went on my phone.

"So yeah, what you think?" Jordan asked Harry.

Harry scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm not sure. I'd have to ask Aria but maybe you should also ask Maelyn." He finished.

I snapped my head up, looking at Harry as he said my name. "What about me? Ask me what?"

"My sisters wedding, maybe Harry and Aria could babysit Ana that weekend?" Jordan suggested.

"No." I simply replied.

"Why not?" Harry and Jordan asked at the same time.

I looked outside at Annabel and then to Harry, shaking my head again. "No."

If Jordan thought for a split second I was about to hand my child over to this monster for a weekend he had another thing coming.

"Mae please, we have nobody else." Jordan tried.

"No, I don't care. She's not staying with him. We'll skip the wedding if we have to. " I pointed at Harry.

He smirked slightly behind his drink and I made my final decision in my head. Definitely not.

"Fuck sake," Jordan spat. "You're such a cünt sometimes, you know? Piece of shit cünt."

"Alright calm down," Harry warned him.

I brushed it off, his insults meant nothing to me at this stage.

"Nah you don't have to deal with her shit. Three years I've been dealing with this, she's unbelievable." Jordan told Harry.

"Would it not be four years?" Harry asked. "Annabel is four."

I sucked in my lips and then pursed them. "Yeah-"

"No, I'm not even her father." Jordan rolled his eyes. He casually leaned back into his seat and looked at his hands.

"Ha," Harry laughed out, directing it towards me. "I knew you didn't know who the father was."

I pushed my chair out from under me, my breathing heavy as I looked at him. "As if that makes me any less of a mother. Your child has called me his mum in preschool more than once so before you judge me, judge your own shitty parenting." I seethed.

"And you-" I pointed at Jordan, "don't come home tonight if you're gonna act like a baby."

I stared down at both of their shocked faces and scoffed,

Before either of them could reply I marched outside to get Annabel, leaving the party just as quick too.

better now > sequel to neighbours. [HS]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz