dangthatsalongname his cute side

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Scotts POV

Well hello I'm Scott and I have been having these weird dreams about tortoro. I mean I have dreams about tortoro and other cute stuff all the time but these are different. I asked Lauren and bobby about it and they said that they have had these dreams too but with galexy and fire. when I tried to call them today the phone told me that this number has been deleted from the earth but how I thought I mean Lauren would have told me right.
but whatever I guess I'll go walk my doggos I mean they're begging to go outside *a hour later* I'm home what's this cute letter doing out here the letter said   if you want to see what you are ment to do leave your world behind but first put on this special bracelet oh its so cute *puts it on*what's going on *gets teleported*

(Btw he has the magical power of cute not he is cute that's not what I meant at all okay making sure that you know that it's because he loves tortoro whom is cute and also because he loves Stitch and Stitch is cute so yeah )

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