Out Of My Mind

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Layne tried everything he could to make Jerry fall in love with him, but it nearly seemed impossible. Layne had expressed his feelings for Jerry, but Jerry would tell him no, because he only loved him as a friend.

Layne didn't only want to be friends. He had tried countless times to flirt with Jerry, but he seemed to always push him away. He couldn't go on this way. He needed Jerry to be his.

He had tried advice from his friend, Mike. The work of meditation to manifest something you want. Layne tried it. But it seemed to not work considering he didn't get results like everyone else apparently had.

So Layne moved on to the next step. He was now stepping into a mysterious store that is said to make your wishes and desires come true. He had heard of this place before from friends, and it seemed very odd, but people advised him not to go into the store.

He took a look around. There was all kinds of weird things sitting around. Bottles of herbs, feathers, oils, candles. All sorts of things. It looked as if you had just stepped inside a witchcraft place.

"Can I help you?" A woman asked. She stood behind a counter. She was dressed in dark, thick clothing. It looked like some sort of cloak. She was an older looking woman, probably in her late fifty's. Layne could feel a warm, peaceful vibe coming from her.

"I need help." Layne said. The woman smiled.

"Well, I guess you've came to the right place. What's this you need help with?"

Layne sighed. "I need my friend to fall in love with me. He doesn't feel the same way I feel about him. We're very close friends, but I want more."

"So you desire someone to be your lover? I have just the right stuff, but there are strict rules to follow."

Layne nodded his head. The woman pulled out a bottle of oil and a bottle of herbs from behind the counter. She reached under the counter again and pulled out a small empty bottle.

"You must not tell anyone about this, or else it will not work. You must keep this bottle hidden," She said. She began to mix the herbs and oil into the empty jar, "You must be the first to drink from it, but just a sip, and let your partner take a sip. Even after the spell is finished, if anyone else drinks it, they will fall in love with you, too. That's why you must keep it hidden."

"And this really works?" Layne asked. The woman nodded as she began to sprinkle something into the bottle that Layne didn't recognize. It looked like some sort of super small seeds.

She closed the bottle tightly and wrapped a red ribbon around it. Looking up at Layne, she smiled and slid the bottle to him. Layne took it and looked into the bottle.

"You sure about this?" He asked.

"I'm very sure. If I didn't satisfy my costumers, this place wouldn't be opened, would it?"

Layne shrugged, chuckling a little. "Guess you got a good point."

She smiled. "Just remember the rules. Also, you must do this tonight, while there's a full moon."

"Any certain time?"

"Just after the moon rises." She informed.

"Well, thanks. How much?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I won't charge you for it, since you're a first time costumer."

"You sure?"

She smiled. "I'm sure, sir. Good luck."

* * *

Layne stood outside, smoking a cigarette, and looking up at the bright, full moon. A cool breeze was blowing, sending Layne's hair in all different directions.

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