Chapter One || Very Smooth

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As the bell above the cafe's door rang, the ends of my lips tugged upwards as I rushed up to the counter. I knew who had just stepped in, he always came in at the exact same time every morning to grab his partner some coffee. 
"Connie! Good morning!~" I chirp as I meet the almond colored eyes of the brunette boy standing on the opposite side of the cafe counter from me. A blue tint spread across the android's cheeks as he looked down at the floor shyly to avoid my gaze. 

"Ah, good morning Y/n." He responds as he awkwardly shuffles his feet. I put my palms on the smooth marble counter and giggle at Connor before speaking up again. 

"So, I know I ask this literally every single time, but! It's the usual I'm guessing?" I question with a raised eyebrow and a small smile. 

"Of course, you know Hank," Connor responds as he looks up to meet my gaze again with a lopsided grin. My stomach flips around at this which brings a heat up to my rosy cheeks. I hastily turn away from the android and suck in a breath before grabbing a coffee cup to fill it up with coffee. Usually, there was a silence between us at this moment but today I decided to conversate with Connor instead. 
"Hey Connor, how is your morning so far?" I ask, still focusing on what I'm doing to avoid making eye contact. 

The sound of my question seems to surprise the android a little bit seeing as he didn't respond for a good moment before speaking.
"It's going fine so far, how about yours?" He questions in response. 

"It's going excellent! I mean, seeing you in here every day really makes my day." I answer sweetly as I put a lid on the cup of coffee and set it to the side for a moment. 
"O-Oh. I like seeing you every morning as well, Y/n." Connor says, and my eyes flicker towards him for a moment to catch his dorky grin that makes my heart skip a beat. I take out a small slip of paper and a pen as I continue to talk to the android.
"Thank you, it means a lot to me! How is working at the DPD going?" I ask, attempting to keep up the small talk as I write a series of numbers on the small slip of paper. 
"It's going well. Though, it can get a little dull from time to time." Connor answers honestly and I nod. 

"I bet it's quite the eventful occupation though!" I respond as I pick up the slip of paper and the coffee cup. I take a roll of scotch tape and take out two pieces to stick the slip of paper on the side of the coffee cup. 
"It is pretty eventful at some points, that is true," Connor comments, and I snicker. 

I hand Connor the coffee with the slip taped onto it and smile warmly at the android before speaking once again. 

"Here's Hank's coffee. Just so you know, there's a little secret on there for you." I say with a sly wink. Connor snickers at me and rubs the back of his neck shyly with his free hand. 

"I'll be sure to look at it once I get in the car with Lieutenant Anderson." The android replied as a baby blue tint grew on his cheeks along with the sheepish grin he wore every time we spoke each early winter morning. 
"Good, tell Hank I said the usual~" I purred before turning away from the flustered android. 
"Of course."

"Have a good day, Connie."
"You too, Y/n."

With that, the android sped out the door with the coffee cup in his hand. I sigh longingly to myself as I watch him leave. I remember the day the two of us met for the first time, I smile at the memory every time I think about it. It was two months ago in late November after the androids had been given freedom. Up to that point, Hank had been stopping in himself every morning for his coffee. One day though, a handsome android with almond colored eyes and almost perfectly slicked back dark brown hair with one strand let loose stepped through the cafe doors. When our eyes met for the first time, I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. He told me he was there to get coffee for his partner who worked at the DPD, Hank Anderson. I knew Hank very well at that point, and when I expressed this fact Connor and I began talking rather quickly. He told me about himself, and I told him about myself as well. He told me how he became deviant recently and helped gained android's rights, and he told me that he was currently staying with Hank and his dog Sumo. I told Connor that I was a simple girl living on my own and supporting myself by working in a small coffee shop. We continued talking for so long that Hank had grown impatient and burst in the cafe's door to hurry the two of us along. 

Ever since that day up until now, January 27th, Connor had been coming in every morning to get the Lieutenant his coffee. In that time, I'm sure it's fairly obvious that I've caught some feelings for the dorky android. How could you not though? Everything about Connor was simply perfect, so perfect in fact that it was almost obnoxious. It was just a constant reminder that he was totally out of my league, and I'd probably never be able to obtain something so close to god-like in appearance. He had the prettiest almond colored eyes that made me think of old books with so much story hidden in their words. His soft dark brown hair was always slicked back, but there was always one strand of hair that hung in front of his face. Connor had a perfectly structured face, his jawline could probably cut diamonds or something. Lord have mercy on me, his lips were also always plump, rosy, and perfectly structured. They just looked so soft and I just wanted to-

I shake my head and exit my thoughts, realizing that I'd just been staring off into the distance with the back of my hand placed lightly on my lips. There was a burning sensation on my cheeks that was just so familiar at this point. I let out a groan and ran a hand down my heated face as I paced around in circles. I had a job to do, this kind of thinking would just distract me. With a reluctant sigh escaping my lips, I placed my palms on the cool and smooth marble counter to wait for the next possible customer who I'd greet with a smile like I did every time. When a familiar ding sounds from the door, instantly a thing grin spreads on my lips as I greet the next person sweetly. 

Word count: 1172
A/N: I know I promised in the prologue that these chapters would be longer, and they will be. I just needed to set up an event to happen for things to pick up between you and Connor. But! I didn't completely fail at making this chapter longer than the prologue, because it is technically 100 words longer. Whatever. Enough with this, please enjoy the future chapters!


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