Cardin saw it and just began to laugh.

Cardin: "Hahahahaha!!! Would you look at that! The weakling is getting up again! Ready to get beaten up again?"

I just spit out blood and focused. I used reinforcement magic and covered the blade in flames. The others, minus my sister, were shocked. Even Goodwitch was. And that meant something. When Cardin was done with staring at my sword, he began to laugh.

Cardin: "Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Would you look at that!! The weakling is also a Magic Freak!! Hey look everybody!!! The pathetic weakling is also a magic using freak!! Hey! Miss Goodwitch! Isn't Magic dangerous?!"

When he said that, I heard everybody whispering 'Oh my Oum. He is actually a Mage.' or 'What a bastard. Using magic against Cardin. I hope he dies.' and even 'He should be burned to ashes like all Magic using freaks.'. I didn't even care about what the others thought, but what shattered my heart was how Sakura looked at me. She looked at me with shock and when she saw that I was staring at her, she turned away from me. I was destroyed. The only family I had left thought of me as a freak. I held back the tears and looked at Cardin. I slowly walked towards him with my sword. He just raised his mace and swung it at me. I quickly blocked it and pushed it away, then raised my sword again and went for a downward slash, but was lifted into the air. I immediately knew who it was. I turned my head towards the person who interrupted the fight.

Me: "Goodwitch....."

She looked at me with a stern expression. The others were still talking until Goodwitch interrupted.

Goodwitch: "Silence!!"

It was quiet. She then looked at me.

Goodwitch: "Mister Matou. You. To Ozpin. Understood?"

Me: ".......Understood."

She then let me go and I walked to Ozpin's office.

Timeskip (brought to you by Chibi Berserker Lancelot fighting Chibi Saber)

I was sitting right in front of Ozpin. He looked at me disappointed.

Ozpin: *sigh* "I heard what happened. Tell me something Mister Matou. How long did you hide it?"

I just sighed.

Y/N: *sigh* "Up until now."

He just looked at me surprised but quickly composed himself.

Ozpin: "Ok then. I will let this one slide. But if you ever use it again, you will be thrown out of my Academy. Do you understand?"

Y/N: ".......Yes."

Ozpin: "Great. You're allowed to leave."

I just got up, went to the elevator and left his office.

Y/N: *sigh* "Today is just my fucking day."

When I arrived at the ground floor, I was on my way to my Dorm. I nearly made it until I heard a familiar voice.

???: "Hey! Freak!"

I turned around and was met with a fist. I fell on the ground and swiped away the blood. When I was done, I looked up and saw that it was Cardin with his friends.

Y/N: *sigh* "What do you want Cardi--"

I was interrupted by a kick to the face.

Cardin: "Shut up! Failures do not talk back!"

I tried to get up but was kicked into the side.

Y/N: "Argh!"

I fell again.

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