A moment later, there was a knock on the door. "C'min." 5 opened the door and placed a lavender colored shirt and a  pair of black pants on the table beside his sword. "Hey, I got you some purple 'cause I thought you'd like it, Grape."

"Oh my gosh, please stop calling me Grape!"

5 smiled and laughed a little, "Why not? It seems to me you don't half hate it...But that mayyyy just be me..." he raised an eyebrow.

1's tail twitched in annoyance and he crossed his arms, still staring out the window. 5 laughed to himself. "Hope you have clean underwear in your bag."

"I do..."

"Huhh...ok...How about I wash the rest of your clothes. That ok?"

1 finally turned around, "Yeah, sure." he retrieved his bag and fished out the misc. items and let 5 take his bag. "Towels and washrags are under the sink." 5 left the room.

1 went over and picked a towel and rag from under the sink.(btw i twas in the right corner by the door, there are two sink spots, each with a mirror, soap and hand towels in the middle, finished with a quartz countertop. :3) 1 then ran the water and looked at the other hair conditioners and crap on the other table closest to the tub. The bubble bath bottle was there, but there was a note on it 1 had sweared wasn't there before.

'pour in the water stream'

'Eh, ok..' 1 thought to himself and did so, but only a little. It foamed up immediately, and so he poured in a bit more, enough to cover the surface. 1 slipped out of his clothes and hopped in.


5 floated slowly up the hallway, holding 1's bag full of clean and neatly folded clothes. He floated up to the door of the bathroom 1 was in and knocked. No answer. He then heard a splash of water and more silence. 'must've been washing his hair...'

5 clicked open the door to slide his bag in, but 1's head popped up from beneath the water (luckily faced in the opposite direction, to the windows.). His head was covered in the bath bubbles and he took some in his hands and blew it into the air which made them fly all over the place. For the first time, he could see him smiling.

All words escaped him. 5 slowly backed away and closed the door as quietly as he could and closed the door. He dropped the bag just outside the door and backed away. 5 could feel his heart almost knot and his blood pulse. He went a little lightheaded so he hovered in the air. He sniffled, thinking his nose was running. He rubbed his nose on the cuff of his shirt.


5 floated away, covering his nose with his sleeve.

  "M-Mr.--" a maid tried to talk to him

"Not right now, Nicole..." 5 teleported to his quarters, the top floating part of the structure.


"Mr. (5)--?" a maid called from throughout the different floors. 1 came out of the bathroom in the new clothes 5 had given him, confused. (when he got dressed, he forgot to get his underwear, so he looked outside and saw his bag ther. gg) "Hey what's goin' on?"

The maid turned to him. She had dark blue hair and tanned skin, "Mr. (5) needs to come down for dinner. It's almost ready."

"Huh. Ok." 1 said confused. "Want me to help?"

"Oh sure! Thanks!" she smiled.

"Although..." 1 said and trailed off a little.

"What, dear?"

1 looked at her weird, "I think I know how to call him." he dropped his bag.

"What do you-"

1 cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "EY MR. BLUE HAIR!! HEYYYY!"

"I don't think that's going to-"


5 suddenly appears and tumbles over himself and ends up doing barrel rolls for a moment. He picks himself up. "NOOO DON'T DYE YOUR HAIR!!!"

1 cracks up, but the maid steps in, "Mr.(5), dinner is just about ready."

"Oh. Thanks Nicole." the maid nodded and retreats down the stairs. 1 took a breath from laughing. "Hehe imagine if I did dye my hair."

"Just don't dye it black." 5 laughed to himself and started down the stairs.

"Ok note-to-self, dye my hair black." 1 smiled. 5 got a kick out if it and smiled too.


"What the-" 1 came sliding down the handrail down the bottom. "How many more floors?"

"Go down two more. Wait for me, though." 5 tried to contain laughing, but just looked stupid, almost.

"Ehehe ok." 1 readied himself on the rail, "Also, why are your sleeves rolled up?"

5 thought quickly, "I use my hands a lot... plus, we're just about to go eat dinner."

"Huh. Ok." *slid down the rails*



me,internally: dooood he just was partly bleeding to death b.c ov U. alsu i eingrish real gud. :3

5, dead because of me: i'd like to point out that i died today. Bleeding to death and of embarrassment.



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