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Selena sat down at an empty table in the back of the cafeteria. She never sat with anyone, so this didn't look abnormal. What no one saw were the tears streaming down her face, covered by the burgundy hair that draped in front of her face like curtains, as she walked to the table. "I hate high school," she muttered under her breath. In that moment, another person walked over to her table. He was very popular, and looked out of place sitting next to the kid who no one noticed. "Hey," he said in a cheery voice. She grunted and turned her head away from him. "What's wrong," the boy asked as he gently put a hand on her shoulder; as a way to comfort her. She quickly jerked her arm away from him. "Selena, please talk to me," the boy pleaded. He heard a small sob come from the girl next to him. He was now even more worried than before. Before he even said anything, she turned to him and pushed the hair out of her face. It looked like she had been crying for at least half an hour. "What happened?" he asked. "It's nothing, Connor," she muttered. "Well something obviously happened, otherwise you wouldn't be crying," he retorted. Selena sighed. She knew that there was no point arguing with him, because he would get the truth out of her one way or the other. "Well, these three girls were being really rude and insulting my clothing and so I simply told them, 'so you think it's worth it to buy stupidly expensive things that you're going to throw away when its out of season just to be popular?'" Selena told him, her voice laced with venom and sadness. "Then what happened?" Connor asked. "They shrieked at me about how I was so wrong and I'll be hearing from their boyfriends. I responded to that with, 'why don't me and your boyfriends talk it out, then afterwards we can go get cookies and milkshakes.' Yeah, so they got their boyfriends to threaten to punch me, so I pushed a little harder and said, 'then punch me!' Needless to say, they beat me up." "Who were they?" her brother asked, his once concerned voice now cold and angry. "It's not a big deal. You don't need to destroy them, I can do that just fine myself," Selena said. She was glad her brother was there to vent to. "If you're sure," Connor said, his voice going back to "concerned brother." She rolled her eyes. The bell rang, and lunch was over. "Damn, I never got to finish my lunch," Selena muttered. "Wanna skip class and grab some Taco Bell?" Connor asked his sister. She smiled, then said, "Of course!" Connor and Selena ran out of the cafeteria  and out of the school. "I missed doing this," Connor said to Selena as they hopped into his truck. "Me too Connor," Selena said as they drove off. "Me too."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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