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Present time

Pierre should've known the first time he met Ophelia. The look of determination, of stubborn, of always getting what she wants. The nature of Ophelia to get what she wants, one way or another, she's gonna get it.

Pierre should've known that, before he was in deep with Ophelia. But now, it was too late, he can't leave Ophelia. Ophelia wouldn't let him.

He tried breaking up with her a year ago, but she deny it and insist that they are still together. And she would not let anything or anyone break them apart.


It hit Pierre like a truck. The realization hit at very high speed, it makes Pierre Nauseas. The train was still moving. Pierre was still halfway to his workplace. But Pierre didn't want to go to his workplace.

Because if he does. Then he would find Elise is not there anymore. He doesn't like the thought of not seeing Elise.

He's better off not go at all than to feel the guilt eat him alive when he found that Elise is not coming to work again, forever.

He likes the idea of not going and think that Elise was still somewhere in school while Pierre took a day off. Pierre would imagine Elise was still alive and well.

So Pierre got off the train on the nearest station.


After Pierre get down from the train, he quickly walk out from the subway. Every step he takes on that stair on the way up, his heart beat got louder

Dub dub dub dub

Pierre inhale the polluted air as soon as he took the last step of the stair. He stop for a while, to catch his breathe.

It's not like he's been running, but the realization made him out of breathe.

When he think about his dearest Elise

And the reason why she might not be around.

Yes, there's possibility that it's not Elise.

But Pierre knew that his nightmare last night was too real to be just a 'dream''.

It was real

All of it was real

And it knock the air out of Pierre's lung.

Breathe, Pierre, Breathe. He thought.

He start to manage his breathing pattern. As he walk again. He is not going to his workplace of course.

He is going to the police, to verify the truth.

If the Jane Doe wasn't Elise, Pierre would be relieved.

But if it is Elise. At least, Pierre would make sure that the second time Elise will be buried, it is not in the middle of nowhere without sign,

He will make sure Elise would be buried with a wonderful ceremony, and in a proper place with a beautiful words engraved on it.

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