Haunting agreements (Chapter 11)

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She wakes up only seconds later, being carried by Rhys up the stairs. "What happened to her?" She could hear Lucien whisper in front of her. She keeps her eyes closed. Wanting to hear their conversation, it was about her after all. "I don't know. I just hope she's okay." She heard Rhys whisper. "Me too." Hearing a door unlock, she opens her eyes. "Put me down" She wriggles in his arms, trying to break free. "Well good morning to you too." Rhys smirks, setting her down on her feet. "Oh shut up. It was your fault I fainted. So don't act like a hero." She snaps looking both of them in the eyes. "What do you mean our fault?" Lucien quizzes, his eye flickering between her and Rhys. "I was perfectly fine until you two surrounded me." She snaps, crossing her arms over her chest, which causes her boobs to lift a little, creating cleavage. Both of their eyes snapped to the little slither of her chest that was exposed in her top. "Are you serious? Both of you were just fucking each other and now you're starring at my boobs." She seethes, uncrossing her arms and turning to walk away. Lucien gently grabs her wrist, not enough to hurt but enough to make her stay. "How did you know that me and Rhys.." He trails off looking at Rhys for help. "Fucked, as you elegantly put it." Rhys finishes. "Oh shut up would you!" She yells, exasperated. "Just because as I'm not as elegantas you. Doesn't mean my feelings don't get hurt. You know I thought you liked me. I get it. You're in love with Lucien. But don't then flirt with me." His face drops. "And you!" She says turning around to Lucien "Stop acting like you care! It's confusing! You're worse than him." She points towards Rhys with a scowl on her face. "You kissed me for fucks sake. If that doesn't send the wrong message, I don't know what does?! Both of you need to figure it out because I can't figure out my own feeling with the two of you playing me for a fool!" She had stepped closer to Lucien at some point in her rant; their faces were inches apart. She breathed heavily and stepped back. Looking at both of them, they wore matching hurt expression on their faces. "Can we go inside please?" Rhys whispers, looking at the ground. All of them walk into Lucien's apartment and Lucien sits on the sofa, Rhys walking to the armchair leaving Feyre to stand in the middle of them. "I like you both." Lucien says, starring at both of them. "I want both of you." He repeats. "Me too. Why can't we just all be happy?" Rhys chimes in. "I'm not ready for one relationship, let alone two." She stares at her feet, not wanting to see their reaction. "I ran into Tamlin and it reminded me that I only ended it between us a few days ago." She tries to explain. "But you haven't loved him for months." Lucien tries to reason. "And I've only know Rhys for a week. I can't have these strong feelings for you yet." She admits to Rhys. "Nothing makes sense! I just want to be free for a little bit." She says looking between the two of them. "We can wait." Rhys says reaching for her hand. She grips his hand and reaches for Lucien's. "You guys don't have to wait." She says, knowing she will regret this later. "You two can date, if that's what you want." She sounded confident but she was breaking inside at her own words. "Are you sure?" Lucien asks, not convinced. Next she uttered the single word that would haunt her for the rest of her life. "Yes."

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