Breaking free? (chapter 2)

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After a couple of hours of standing next to Tamlin and staying silent he finally excused himself to go get himself a drink. Feyre was only alone for a few seconds before the gorgeous mystery man came over and stood next to her. They stood there in silence, looking at the people who were dancing. "Rhysand" She was shocked at the break in pleasant silence. "What?" Turning to look at him she had time to study him close up. He was even more breathtaking at close proximity. "My name," gorgeous mystery man said "Its Rhysand" he said with a smirk. His smirk was so different from the amused, playful one that Lucien used when he knew he had won an argument. Or the forced, almost animalistic one that Tamlin used when he was trying to persuade her to do something, normally sex. But his, Rhysand's, was full of confidence and humor. She wouldn't mind seeing that smirk more. "This is when you normally tell me your name" Feyre blushed realizing she had just been starring. "Its Feyre" Still blushing she tugged at her sleeve, a habit she did when nervous, "Feyre" Rhysand said, as if he was testing how it sounded. "Rhysand" She said in response. His smirk widened. "Well feyre darling, what is a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?" Turning her head in hopes of hiding her blush, from the pet name or compliment she didn't know. Probably both. "My fiancé went to get himself a drink" At that his smirk vanished and his eyes went to her left hand, where a diamond ring, that she hated, sat. "Ah, well Feyre" he said as he started to walk away "I shall take my leave" and just like that he vanished into the crowd. Yet again she found herself alone and wishing she had gone after someone.

"Why were you talking to Rhysand?" Feyre almost jumped out of her skin at the sudden sound. Turning around she found Lucien starring darkly at her. She gulped and his one golden-brown and one russet eye shot to her neck, lingering a bit longer than needed. "I said why were you talking to him?" Lucien questions again, stepping closer. "Because I can," Feyre replied raising an eyebrow. Feyre could of sworn that Lucien growled at that, actually growled. Taking a step closer yet again his eyes darkened. "Well don't" was all he said whilst still starring at her, he had never looked at her this way before. She didn't know what it meant. She forced a laugh "And you think you have a say in who I talk to, why?" she was slightly ashamed at how quickly her mask of indifference fell in place. "Because..." He trailed of and then ran his hand through his long auburn hair, his only sign of frustration. "Now that this wonderful discussion is over I really better go find Tamlin" Scanning the room her eyes fell on the man in question. He was dancing with a woman. A woman, who she might add was a lot more attractive than her, who was rather close to her fiancé. Lucien followed her line of sight and saw the scene himself. "Feyre..." If she wasn't to busy starring at her fiancé flirting with someone else, she would of noticed the flicker of sadness that flashed over his face. "Don't fucking bother Lucien" She seethed. Now she really wasn't in the mood for his bullshit. "Fey" He said, using her nickname. "You don't have to act like you care Lucien," She said turning to face him. "I know you've hated our relationship since day one." She was angry. So very angry and she needed to take it out on someone and Lucien was the only option because she sure as hell couldn't yell at Tamlin. "You don't have to act like you care" She carried on whilst Lucien just stood there "You don't have to worry about me, I'm sure I'll be out of your hair soon. I knew this was coming. It was just a matter of time before he realized he could do better." She seethed more at herself than Lucien. "So just get the fuck away from me. I know you don't care about me so don't fucking pretend." She hadn't realized she was crying until her vision was so blurry that she could no longer see Lucien properly. "Is that what you think of me?" Lucien almost whispered whilst reaching out to take her hand. As soon as his skin brushed her she flinched and took a few steps back. "I said don't fucking touch me." And with that she walk through the crowd and out the door.

Sitting on the steps outside she starred up at the stars that twinkled in the swirling, dark night sky. They looked like thousands of eyes starring down at her. Judging her.

The unsettling truth can settle your soulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें