Chapter 5

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When I got to school I had a little trouble finding the office but I manage to find it on my own. So I went in and saw a lady on a computer. She looked to be in her 40's or 50's.

"Um hi I'm new here and I need my schedule" I said

"Ok sweetie what's your name" the lady said

"Ariana Miller" I said once again

After I told her my name she started to type things on the computer and then printed things out then handed them to me.

"Ok hun this is your schedule and papers for your parents or guardians to fill out ok, I will send a student to take you to your first class " she told me

A few more minutes later a girl came into the office

"This is Kim" said the elderly lady

"She will show you to your first class and will show you around the school during lunch"

"Ok sounds good" I said

So after that we left the office and she showed me to my first class.

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