Chapter 16

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So right now I'm in my American History class which is my FAVORITE subject and I was just about to take out my sketch book and doodle random things since Mr.Smith is late (as always). Let me explain why he's ALWAYS late. Well rumor has it that he's messing with Ms. Stanford who is my English teacher. And the reason why he is always late is because everyone says that they ALWAYS have mess around before 5th period(it's 5th period now) in the janitors closet. People say that the janitor caught them in the act and was so horrified that he quit his job and they had to find another janitor. And to be honest, I believe the rumors, because whenever he comes to class 10 minutes late, he has his pants undone and hickies all over him. And when he isn't late (which barely happens) he ends up calling Ms. Stanford and telling her all the nasty things he wants to do to her. Everyone in the class ends up hearing the whole conversation because they whisper so loud. So back to history

Sorry I'm late again class Mr. Smith said trying to remove the lipstick off of his face

Well let's continue to where we left off yesterday He said like nothing was wrong

10 minutes later. . .

And so this project on the American revolution will count as 50 percent of your final grade in this class. If any of you do not do this project you will fail my class. Mr. Smith said sounding bored out of his mind 

And before any of you ask any questions no you can not pick your own partners 

right after he said that you could hear the chorus  of "boos" and complaints from students

Okay now I wrote down a list of who is working with who and they are 

Brandon and Amanda

Katie and Darcy

Michael and Ryan

I tuned out most of the stuff Mr. Smith said and waited for my name to be called

Ariana and Claire 

After he said that I was working with Claire I was BEYOND pissed. I am not going to fail this class because of some girl. So I just need to listen to what he tells us to do so I can get a good grade on this project and pass Mr. Smith's class.

Ok class you will have one week to do this in class and after that you will have to find a way to do this project together out of school. And it is do 2 weeks from today. You can go meet your partners and start working. 

After he said that Claire walked over to my desk with the biggest smile on her face. I could tell that this is not gonna be a good day for me.

His Other Half (Paul Lahote Love Story)             - On Hold-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن