Chapter 13

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When I said that I was gonna get revenge on Paul I meant it and started taking my plan into action. The first thing I did was act like my best friend (a boy) was my boyfriend so Paul would think that I got over him and didn't need him at all. I also will not take the crap that Paul, his whore, and her followers do to me and finally stick up for myself. I will no longer tolerate them disrespecting me. So right now I'm waiting for Kevin my "boyfriend" to pick me up so we could ride together for school so everyone will think we are together.

Hey I'm outside Kevin texted me

Ok be there in a sec I told him

As soon as I got in his car we were off.

As soon as we got out the car, we could feel everyones eyes on us. We walked hand in hand and walked past Paul and Britany. And let me tell you, they looked beyond pissed. Paul was mad because I'm his mate and Britany was probably just jealous.

Did you see the look on everyones face when they saw us together he asked my happily

Yea most of the girls were glaring at me I told him laughing

Yea wh-

Ariana I need to talk to you Paul Paul said sounding pissed

Not right now Paul I told him rolling my eyes

I'm not asking he said while shaking

Fine I whined

then we walked outside and that's when the arguing began

His Other Half (Paul Lahote Love Story)             - On Hold-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя