Chapter 1

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      Sebastian never really got along with others. He was 'selectively bitchy' according to his brothers. He didn't see the point in giving people chances. Now he's 26 and a bitch, and everyone knew it.

 Recently, Sebastian had felt the need to call out the lead singer of As It Is, Patty Walters, for being ungrateful for his job as a singer. Of course, the AII fans were outraged and Sebastian's phone began to bow up with notifications from Instagram and Twitter.  

Seb began to realize that the notifications weren't going to stop without an apology. Since the bands were both on Warped, he decided to meet up. Just the two of them. 

As the two walked around the stage, talking and apologizing, they had ended up back at the Palaye Royale bus. They were still alone. Remington and Emerson had left to practice. They were now sitting on a couch, hanging out, as friends. 

"Dude, your fucking hair in that cover-" Sebastian laughed. 

Patty laughed with him, "Your hair always looks like shit though-" 

Seb stopped laughing, "What? I thought it looks good."

Patty continued, holding a bottle of water, "Good one man-"

"No, I'm serious.. I like my hair." He started getting defensive.

"Oh.. um. yeah.." Patty looked down uncomfortably. 

"Why the fuck did you say that?" Sebastian sat his drink down. 

Patty put his down as well, "It's just an opinion, man.. I don't like it."

"I don't like your sister but I don't say anything."

"Don't fucking talk about my sister."

"Bite me."

"Do you wanna fight?"

"You wouldn't stand a chance."

"Oh really?" 


"Then lets go."

Hate Fuck | Patty Walters x Sebastian DanzigWhere stories live. Discover now