C H A P T E R #1

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"Oh my god!" I screamed in frustration.  

It's 12 in the after noon...and I am in the middle of nowhere.  I told Anthony that I didn't wanna go to this stupid party.  Wow.  Drunk people, in the middle of a scary ass forest, and I don't know where I am...sounds totally safe.  

I wandered around a little more trying to get a signal on my phone.  Nothing.  Fuck.  I'm screwed.  

I walked deeper into the forest deciding I couldn't get anymore lost.  Wrapping myself in my jacket as the cold air engulfed me, making me shiver.  I admired the beautiful woodlands.  Anthony is totally getting his ass beat when I get back to our house.

There was the sound of leaves crunching, as I froze in my spot.  Oh my god.  If this is how I die...

I felt a hand wrap around my arm, turning me around.  She was a beautiful girl.  Black hair that went past her butt, hazel eyes, and a perfect tan to her skin.  She wore a black bandeau made out of what I'm assuming was fur, with a matching skirt, and had beads braided into one stand of her hair, with at feather at the end.  

"Why aren't you hiding?" She asked me curiously.  "What do you mean?  I'm just trying to find my way home." I answered.  "Well, you need to hide.  Alpha Liam is having his 18th birthday today and he has to find his mate, by tracking their smell.  Just hide and let whatever happens, happen." She replied.  

I watched as she pretty much flew up a tree, amongst other girls and some boys.  I just ran.  Trying to climb up a tree but failing.

I heard the crack of a branch behind me.  My heart pounded against my chest as all of the people in the trees stared in my direction.  I slowly started to turn around, but as soon as I tuned around I got slammed against the trunk of the tree.  I kept my eye's shut tightly, afraid to see the gigantic person that has me pinned to the tree.  

I felt a large hand grab my waist, and a finger under my chin.  My face was lifted upwards, as I felt the warm breath of someone flow over my face.

I felt a finger run across my eyelid... 

I slowly opened my eye's to reveal an unbelievably tall, muscular, handsome man standing over me.  He stared into my eye's like he was amazed by me.  He put the pad of his thumb under his dangerously sharp canine tooth, dragging it across.  I watched as the blood seeped out of his finger.  

He drew a line, starting in the middle of my forehead, down to the tip of my nose.

After he was done marking me with his blood, I went slack in his arms, almost blacking out. 

I could tell I was being carried, I could feel the shifting movements of muscle under me.  

I looked up at his stern, sculpted face.  He looked straight ahead, not noticing that I woke up.  I winced a little, feeling a pain in my stomach.  He looked down at me, his face softening a bit, but taking it's original expression when voices could be heard in the distance.

He walked into a huge crowd of people, as they spread out when he made his way through.  There were six seats lined up.  Two in the middle, and another two more on either side of each chair.  There is a man and a woman in the front two seats, and another man and woman in the back two.

The man lie me down in front of them, like he was presenting me to them.  

"Liam, son.  He's human." The man spoke.  "I know father, but I can tell...he's my mate." He spoke.  "Daniel...let our son take his mate back to his home.  We'll just have to... teach the boy our ways." a soft voice of a woman spoke.  I squirmed a little, my stomach still hurting.  The man that brought me here, looked at me, obviously wanting to help me.  "Liam.  Take him.  You are dismissed." The woman spoke again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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