Ch. 2

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The two boys make it into the lunchroom, Seungmin's arm around Jeongin's shoulders. "Ight so where we sitting?" He asks. Jeongin shrugs and continued to stare at his phone. "You're no help," Seungmin unwraps his arm and looks around. All the tables have been taken except one. Which was the one next to Hyunjin and his 'friends.' "Let's..uh sit over there!" Seungmin points at the table. Jeongin looks away from his phone and shrugs. "Alright." He didn't help but notice Hyunjin was sitting at the table next to them, but he kept his cool. Jeongin puts his phone away and sets his bag down. He quickly walked away from the table and towards the food. He picks up a tray and takes a bowl of ramen. "The ramen here does not look satisfying.." He thought to himself.

He took a couple grapes and set those on the tray, grabbing a pair of chopsticks along the way. He walked over to the drink stand and a happy looking woman was running it. "Hello Jeongin!" She says recognizing him by his braces and sharp eyes. "Would you like the regular?" She asks happily. Jeongin nods, smiling softly. The woman grabs a bottle of strawberry milk and sets it on the counter. "That'll be ₩ 500." The woman says. Jeongin sticks his hand in his pocket and reaches for his wallet... wait- "W-where's my wallet.." He mumbles under his breath. "Is there anything wrong Jeongin?" The lady asks. Jeongin smiles sweetly, "Nothing at all miss." The woman nods and waits.

Unexpectedly, Hyunjin was right next to Jeongin. He had noticed that his wallet was missing. So he decided to help him. Sorta? He places ₩ 500 on the counter for the woman. "A-ah.. Hyunjin." The woman says as she took the won. Hyunjin smiles charmingly and takes a hold of the strawberry milk. "Ms. Jo." Hyunjin says. Jeongin notices that the senior had his hands on the strawberry milk so he tries taking it. Hyunjin looks at Jeongin and lets go of the milk. "No need to act like your life depends on that drink." He says. Jeongin tried avoiding the eye contact as hard as he could. "Ah I didn't want you to take it from me!" He squeaked. Hyunjin smiled a bit. "Don't worry braces," He started. "Who does he think he is calling me braces?" Jeongin thought to himself in annoyance. "I don't steal and even if I did, I wouldn't steal a baby drink." He teased.

Jeongin stared at Hyunjin in shock and looked away from him. "Yeah whatever.." He says, hiding the drink in his arms. Hyunjin grins, "Where's my thank you?" He asks greedily. Jeongin turns his back from Hyunjin. "Thank you..." He says quietly. "What was that?" Hyunjin asks, his hand over his ear. "Thank.. you.." He mumbled, but it was loud enough for Hyunjin to hear. He pats Jeongin on the head. "You are welcome, Braces." Jeongin moves Hyunjin's hand. "I have a name you know..." He says. Hyunjin chuckles. "Oh I know, but Braces is a cuter." He says. Jeongin stares back at the senior in disgust, he rolls his eyes, and walks off.

Hyunjin watched as the younger boy sat at his table and he smiled to himself. "Cute." He turns away and starts getting his food and iced coffee.

"Who does he..he think he is? He's not even my friend, but he thinks it's somehow okay to give me a nickname right away. If he knows my name call me by my name.. He's got a face of an angel, but he's annoying at the same time.." Jeongin was venting in his head as he got to his seat. He set his tray down and places his chin in his palm. Seungmin had brought his lunch so he's almost done. "I saw you talking to Hyunjin." He says. Jeongin looked over at him and gave him a sharp stare, "All he did was buy me my strawberry milk.." He says. "Nothing too big." Seungmin had an idiotic smirk on his face. "It looked like as if you were cOmMuNicAtiNG." He scoots himself closer to Jeongin. The younger boy stares at Seungmin with wide eyes. "Yeah, communicating like regular people." He says and pushes Seungmin's face away. He opens the strawberry milk and takes a quick sip.

"It seemed like he was hitting on you-."

Jeongin stopped drinking his strawberry milk and sets it on the table. "You.. Suddenly I'm not hungry anymore more." He says. Seungmin stares at the boy and pats his shoulder.

"Heh.." Jeongin glared at Seungmin for a bit and quickly glanced over at Hyunjin's table. He was joking and laughing around with his friends. "He really does have the nicest smile..." Jeongin smiles slightly. "Seungmin's an idiot.. Hyunjin is obviously straight- wait SOAMI so why am I even complaining if he is or not...Get a hold of yourself Brac-JEONGIN!"

"Jeeeeoooongiiiin." Seungmin says. He's been trying to get his attention for two minutes. He soon notices what the younger was staring at. He sits back, crosses his legs and arms, and he had a 'Yep.' kind of smile on his face. "Hey, Hyunjin you gonna go to that party at Hae's house on Saturday?" Chan asks. Jisung quickly elbows Chan in the arm, "Aish of course he's going! He attends everything." He says with a mouth full of food. "Yeah, you right." Chan says in agreement. "Mhm.. I've already picked out an outfit for that day." Hyunjin says. "ALrEaDy?" Jisung and Chan both ask utterly surprised. "Yeah, you gotta plan before time." Hyunjin says.

"Too lazy man.." Jisung says. Chan nods in agreement. "Yeah... I'll just put on whatever I find."

Jisung and Chan laughed while Hyunjin took a sip from his iced coffee. Jisung quickly notices Jeongin staring and he elbows Chan again. "Elbow me one more time squirrel.. I'll be feeding you to the dogs!" He hissed. "VIOLENT." Jisung says dramatically and quickly clears his throat, "Guys just look!" He points over at Jeongin. "That weird kid is staring at us." He says. "Who-...Oh that kid." Chan says, Hyunjin looks over at Jeongin's direction which caused him to instantly look away. "SHOOT! HE SAW ME! PLUS HIS FRIENDS!" Jeongin grabbed his strawberry milk and started to stress drink. "Jeongin you're alive!" Seungmin says and hugs him tightly. "Let... go.." Jeongin groans.

"I know him." Hyunjin says as he looked back over at his friends. "He's a junior I met over at the drink stand." He explained. "Is he gay?" Chan asks. Hyunjin stares at him and shrugs. "He's drinking strawberry milk dude, does that answer your question?" Jisung says. Chan looks back over at squirrel boy. "And he was starin' at us." He finishes. 

 "I think he was looking at Hyunjin." Chan says. The two boys made an eerie, Oooh!~ Sound. "Even men want to cook for you." Chan says, slightly nudging Hyunjin. "I wouldn't call him a man dude, he looks 12." Jisung jokes. "Man, boy, same thing." Chan says. Jisung's smile faded for a bit and stared at Chan like he was an idiot. Hyunjin got up and grabbed his things. "Excuse me guys." He pushes his chair in and heads out of the lunchroom. Jisung and Chan both waved him goodbye and started talking nonsense with each other again.

"Man I'm full.." Seungmin says. He looks at Jeongin who wasn't even close to finished. "I'm not really hungry to be honest.. What a waste." He grumbled. "Nah, don't worry," Seungmin starts. "The food here sucks anyway." He whispers. Jeongin smiled a bit. "Now, let's get going... we only have a few classes left." He says. Jeongin sighs and gets up. He picks his bag up and starts walking out with Seungmin.  

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