Tech Time | Chpt 9

Start from the beginning

"Don't you have other friends to hang out with?" I asked, taking a pastry and propping up my feet.

"This was supposed to be my day with Hunk," he said and I frowned. Looks like Pidge stole his time.

"Oh, sorry, I guess you really are stuck with me." He glanced up with a slightly less pissed expression.

"Yeah," he trailed off.

"You're supposed to say, oh no, I'm not stuck with you, you're a delight!" I mocked and he snorted.

"In what dimension?"

"Hmm, that would be pretty nice, a dimension where you're less of an ass," I said and he rolled his eyes, but a I could see a smile tug at his lips. Why it couldn't be this casual all the time, I don't know. Had I done him wrong sometime? "Do you think there's other dimensions?"

"Yeah, of course."

"I think all dimensions are in a hierarchy where the one above the one below. A controls B and B controls C."

"We must be low on the chain," he commented.

"Yeah, I mean, we do suck," I said, drooping in my chair.

"Society is a bitch," he said.

"You should put that on a pillow," I suggested. I finished off my pastry and glanced over at Pidge and Hunk who were staring at us. "What?" Lance glanced over as well.

"You two are getting along for 5 minutes and you're so depressing," Pidge said and I shrugged.

"Sometimes I have an existential crisis," I said, and Lance nodded. Pidge just gave us a look and turned back. "Considering we can't question the universe or whatever, what do you want to talk about?"

"We don't have anything in common," he said, frowning again.


"Do you really want to argue with me?"

"No, if you're not going to help me then I won't talk at all," I said, crossing my arms. He sighed and started thinking. "Don't hurt yourself."

"Shut up," he said, and I stared off into space for a moment. It was quiet except for the tech junkies talking.

"You have a big family right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"What's that like?" He paused.

"Well, I'm the youngest and I have a ton of cousins. My abuela lives with us and I have a brother named Marco, he's really into soccer and he's super cool. I have an older sister Veronica, she's kinda of the most adult like, but she's the oldest so that makes sense. My other brother is named Luis and he's pretty grown up too. I guess I'm just the baby of the family. My mama is the best in the world and I miss her a lot when I'm in school. It's weird, I'm the only wizard in the family besides my dad and Veronica but she's graduated already. I feel bad for Marco and Luis, they don't get magic powers, but I guess that's just how it goes." He took a breath and glanced up at me. I was shocked and showing it.

"What's it like being in such a crowded house?"

"We all work really well together, we have our system and stick to it, and despite sibling rivalries and teasing we all get along really well, especially now that we're older." He explained. "My brother Marco is the biggest joker and he loves giving me a hard time. I remember once we had a full on prank war and my mom had to end it before I almost broke my leg."

"Oh wow," I said. He glanced up and sat back.

"What about you?"


"What's it like in your house?" I paused for a minute, searching for something to say.

"Most of the time I hang around Pidge's house when my mom and dad are busy. I'm an only child, so I've never really had sibling type relations. My dad spends a ton of time working because he's part of the ministry of magic so it's usually just me and my mom unless she's busy." I paused and glanced at my hands.

"You should meet my family, they'd make you feel like you have siblings!" Lance said. I stared at him awkwardly. Did he just all of a sudden for get he hates me? He seemed to realize and cleared his throat. "Continue."

"It's changed a lot because my mom is pretty sick right now, so I don't really do anything interesting."

"You're mom is sick?" I glanced up at Lance and shrugged.

"Yeah, lets just not talk about it," I said, changing the subject.

"Yeah," he trailed off and I looked at my shoes. "But, I'm sorry about your mom, we can talk about something else now." I glanced up and he was being nice for once. I smiled slightly.


Stay awesome!


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