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Hey, and welcome to my story. My name is thomas, and I am one of the teens that are immune to the flare - you know, that virus burning down the earth. There is an organisation called WCKED. WCKED took the immune kids and put them onto a glade surrounded by a maze. It took us three years to get out of the maze, and when we - Minho, Newt, Theresa, Frypan, Winston and I - finally escaped it, there were men waiting for us. They put us into a plane and brought us here. "Here" is a big house in which we sleep, eat and do everything. Here are other people from other glades, too. They people here say they brought us here to save us from WCKED. Every week, they take 10 teens away from us. They say that they bring them to a place where we are save. I don't trust them.

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