The Walls Clinton

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Sorry if I look a little lost,
I just keep my head up in the clouds oh
Yeah yeah
Give it to her however she wants,
Told her that she gotta keep it down though
Yeah yeah

"Clinton... Clinton... CLINTON."
I swear this man could space out through an apocalypse. I'm practically yelling at him in the limo and he still isn't responding.
I start shaking him now and finally, I mean finally, he responds.
"Hm, yeah?"
"Jesus Clinton you scared me half to death. I was yelling at you and you didn't respond."
His eyes don't quite focus and I can tell he's on some sort of drug.
"Hmm yeah, sorry."
"Clinton what did you take before we left?"
"Me and Mitchel had a blunt, nothing unusual."
Ahh I see, Mitchel and Clinton took a drag without telling me. I mean I'm not their mother but I do live with them and go with them to most places so it'd be nice to know these things.
I see him lazily turn his head towards me.
"Did you and Clinton smoke a joint?"
"Yeah a little before we left, Christian was supposed to tell you."
Ah now Christian gets dragged into this.
"Yeah I forgot, oops. But it was funny to watch you yell at Clinton."
He snickers and I roll my eyes. I'm sure watching me yell at a hopelessly high Clinton was ever so amusing to him but now we have to deal with trying to get two stoned Cave brothers to function in an interview.
"And how are they going to answer things in an interview?"
"They won't, I'll talk."
"The whole time?"
"Eh, I'll have Jesse and Pat help me."
"Yeah ok, and what if they ask Mitchel and/or Clinton a question?"
"You can answer for Clinton."
"Me? Oh hell no! I am not answering in interviews. I'm not part of the band! I'm dating Clinton, not the whole band. I didn't sign up for this!"
"You said ok to dating Clinton and you know that this was included so I don't even want to hear it. You live with us and go with us everywhere so you probably have a different perspective that the fans will relate to. Come on y/n. Do it for the fans, do it for us, do it for your seriously stoned boyfriend over there."
Leave it to Christian to sweet talk me into participating in an interview. Christian could sweet talk his way out of a hostage situation, I swear.
"Fine, I'll do it. But only this once and only when they ask Clinton something."
I see Jesse and Pat high five in the front seats of the limo.
"You too! Really? If this was really such an issue why didn't you just get them not to smoke in the first place?"
Jesse and Pat roll up the window between the seats and leave Christian floundering on his own.
"If Mitchel wants to do something, he'll do it. And you know first hand how stubborn Clinton is."
He was right about that. Clinton doesn't talk much which in turn doesn't leave much room for disagreement. If it's something he cares about then he'll talk, otherwise he's pretty silent.

~time skip presented by Clinton's abs~

We pull up to the interview and security escorts us inside. The boys are ushered into hair and makeup while I stumble around their dressing room. I can tell that the makeup artists have realized how high Clinton and Mitchel are. Their faces flash with a look mixed of horror and disappointment when then figure it out. I see them stop working and have a very quick conversation amongst themselves. One of the M.U.A's then approaches the other, non-intoxicated band members. I sit back in my chair and watch Clinton send me a wink in the mirror. He may not be good for talking when he's high but he's the biggest flirt after a joint.
I glance at Christian and see him pointing the mob of confused makeup artists towards me. One of them scurries off to tell their boss something and the rest huddle around me.
"Are you aware that Mitchel and Clinton are insanely high?"
Well, at least they know what drug they're on.
"Yes I know."
"And you've done nothing about it!"
I see one of the older makeup artists scold me and turn my head towards the one closest to me.
"I discussed with the boys on the drive here about the little 'situation' Mitchel and Clinton have gotten themselves into."
I glance at Mitchel and Clinton as I say 'situation' making it very clear what I'm talking about.
"We talked to the other band members as well and they said you would be answering if someone were to ask Clinton something. Is that  correct?"
So the little bastards did manage to keep up with their plan.
"Yes that's correct."
The makeup artists collectively sigh and start rushing me over to a chair next to Clinton. They ask me what my style is and what kind of makeup I normally wear. I end up pulling a picture of my normal makeup due to the fact I'm not wearing any today and they start going to town on my face. Foundation, contour, highlight, falsies. The whole thing. I'm the end I look like a little more glam than normal but still myself. The makeup artist who did my face stands back to admire his work.
"What do you think?"
"I like it. It looks like me, but more glam."
"That's the goal!"
"Thank you very much sir."
"Call me Manny, after all I am the help."
"You're very talented help Manny. Thank you so much for the helping with the last minute arrangement. I'll try and keep my boyfriend from getting himself into this mess again."
"Ah boys are stubborn are the not? You have a cute one there though. Very thoughtful
"Very much so. And thank you! He gets all the credit though."
I chuckle and intertwine my fingers with Clinton's. I see him smile in the mirror next to me and he sends me another cheeky wink. I blush just a little and thankfully the makeup covers it up. Can't have Clinton being high and still getting a reaction from me.

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