Okay/ Christian

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Baby pass the bottle quit with all the stalling
Not sure if I'm breathing I've been adderall'n
Catatonic speeding like this shit was stolen

Your POV
He's leaning against a wall across from a streetlight. Hands in his pockets and ankles crossed. His leather jacket is worn out and soft but still slightly large on his smaller sized arms. His head lolls and his long golden hair falls to hide his gorgeous face. I admire his strength to fight back against the drowsiness consuming his body.

So as I'm writing this Okay just came on and I'm dying

"Babe the bottle."
I can't hear him but I see his mouth move. His hardened facial expression changes as he looks me in the eye. His crystal blue eyes meet mine and I stare, being consumed by his aura.
I love when he calls me that. I know it's a vocal trait but my knees still become weak when he says it.
His strong hands grab my shoulders and give me a light shake. He shakes me harder until I respond
"Sorry, I was spacing out. What is is Christian?"
"You scared me, can you pass the bottle?"
"Oh yeah, sorry..."
"It's ok, thanks."
I hand him the bottle of alcohol and his hand touches mine as he grabs it. My cheeks flush and I hide my face in my hood.
"Anything wrong y/n?"
"No, not at all."
"Ok, just checking."
I look him in the eye and smile. He gives me a cheeky laugh in return and returns his eyes to the alcohol in front of him.
"Y/n how much have you had to drink?"
"Barely any. Why?"
"Because I will not be able to drive after this."
He gives me another cheeky laugh and swigs back around a quarter of the bottle. Once he's done he slides his back down the wall with his eyes closed. I scoot closer to him and wrap my arms around his arm.
"That was a lot of alcohol Christian. I think we're done."
Between me and him we had finished over half the bottle, Christian being a much larger contributor than me.
"Maybe... or maybe we can stay for just a little bit longer."
He takes out an adderall and washes it down with another swing of alcohol.
"Fine, but on one condition. We put away the alcohol and adderall. You've been popping and drinking all night."
"Can you not for the rest of the night? Just as a precaution, we wouldn't want me to drive you to the hospital."
"Ok deal."
He shoves the pills into his pocket and I grab the practically empty bottle to shove it in my backpack.
"Good, now what do you want to do."
I glance over at Christian and he's turning slightly purple.
"Christian... Christian... CHRISTIAN!"
I shout at him and he turns towards me and gasps.
"Sorry babe I forgot to breathe."
He smiles at me and I feel a wave of relief wash over me. Then I remember what he said.
"Breathing isn't something people forget Christian."
"Ah I'll be fine..."
His eyes loll off in the opposite direction and I decide enough is enough.
"Babe whatcha doing?"
"I'm calling a cab Christian."
I say sternly.
"Nah babe don't kill the buzz."
Quite frankly I'm done with this 'buzz'.
"Yeah well you seem a little to 'buzzed' for me so we're going home."
"Ah I see. You're real impatient you know."
"No Christian, you need sleep, now. As much as I would love that, it's not what's best for you. Maybe another night ok babe."
"Heyyyy you thief. You stole my name for you."
"Oh well, I guess it was a successful robbery then babe."
"Heyyyy, give it back...."
"Nah I'm good."
"You wanna know what else you stole?"
"My heart... babe."
He throws his hand on his heart and laughs loudly. He so drunk and buzzed. He'll probably get secondhand high when we get back from all the weed the boys will be smoking but honestly I don't care at this point. If they're going to do drugs at least they do them in the house.
"The taxi is here."
"Ah okay, I'm coming."
He plops himself into the cab as I tell the driver where we're going. I buckle up and buckle Christian because lord knows he's too drunk to do it himself. 🙄 I love him but he can be such a pain when he gets wasted. The taxi starts down the expressway and passes the beautiful city landscape at catatonic speeds.
"Woahhh, were going so fast."
"Yeah, kinda cool huh."
"It's like we're in a getaway car isn't it babe?"
"Sure Christian, we can be in a getaway car."
"Sweet as!"
The cab pulls up to the driveway and let's us out. I grab Christian's hand as I pay the driver and we walk up the driveway with him leaning on me like a man with a broken ankle.
"Come on Christian lets get to bed."
"Finally. I knew you were going in cave sometime."
"No Christian I mean time to sleep on the bed."
"Awe you're no fun."
"No I'm not but you'll thank me in the morning when you might actually be able to tolerate light."
"Would you at least kiss me goodnight."
I go give him a kiss goodnight and me pulls me in for more. I don't try and fight it this time because I know if I do I won't sleep in this bed tonight.
Me and Christian make out until I push him away.
"Ok now we sleep."
"Fine... thanks by the way."
"For what, for being the best babe ever."
"Alright lover boy it's time for sleep. You're still wasted as fuck."
"Yeah yeah I know. Goodnight."
"I love you."
"I love you too Christian."
This is a long time after I published the first part so I am sorry but... it's up now and I will be working on it for a while. Christian is my favorite so I had the most motivation for him but I'll probably do Mitchel next.

And here's your Christian gif of the posting day

And here's your Christian gif of the posting day

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