c. 47; Dinner and a Show

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July 5th - 6:13pm
U.S. Virgin Island time

"Dinner was amazing. I haven't had food that good since Christmas, and even then it wasn't big" Josie declared, walking through the doors of her and Corbyn's room. Corbyn followed in suit, laughing at her remark during their conversation they had from dinner to now their room.

The two had gone out for dinner because the family was heading for a later swim, which both didn't partake in due to Josie being extremely tired. It had been happening the entire vacation, and Corbyn accepted and didn't question why, because it had to be another one of her personal things she would never tell him.

"I'm glad I made an impact on your appetite" he responds, still smiling, as he's been doing the entire night, not once leaving or his mind going to another place or thought. He couldn't do it even if he tried, because right now, all he thought about was Josie, even when he was convinced of how much he loved Christina.

"I'll have to get Thai. I'll put it on my rotation of subs, salads, pizza and Chinese" she shakes her head, slipping her sandals off and into her suitcase as she fumbles around with the drawers, trying to find sweats and a tank top, for their hotel room was freezing and they didn't know how to adjust the thermostat without breaking it. It wasn't like the one either had at home, and they simply couldn't bother the staff, because they could solve it all with a pair of sweats.

Corbyn let Josie take the bathroom again, staying in his room to change and flick through channels before being allowed to brush his teeth. It happened every other day. One day, it'd be Josie, then the next day, Corbyn's. It was a methodical system the two worked out in a matter of days, knowing their differences that made a big difference to them. Neither wanted to see the other undressed, but if they did, they wouldn't complain. And while the thought never came to mind, if the chance happened, that's what they would do.

Once Josie was done, she came out with her glasses and toothbrush, dancing to a song she had playing when changing and cleaning up after the day. It was a song she knew by heart, and Corbyn too. He had a soft grin as he watched her dance from the bathroom to her suitcase, putting her clothes in it and taking her slippers.

She glowed even in her red, plaid pants and black pub shirt with brown, wool slippers. At what she thought was her worst possible state, Corbyn just sat and smiled, more concerned on her personality than her looks, and right now her personality was beautiful. With a bright smile and her green-blue eyes dazzling behind her glasses, he couldn't do anything but smile as he danced from one end of the room to the other, some Coldplay song playing from the bathroom.

Once she was back in the bathroom, spitting the excess fluoride out, Corbyn took it as a cue for him to brush his teeth now too. She was standing behind the grey marble counter, applying some type of baby blue face mask that looks like silly putty to everyone else. It almost resembled toothpaste Corbyn thought as he put actual toothpaste in his toothbrush.

"What even is that" muffled words came from the mouth that held a toothbrush as Josie turned around to face him. Parts of her cheeks and nose were covered as each of her fingers held more of the substance she was applying.

"Natural face mask made of mint, sea salt, and whatever else is in face cleansers that my skin isn't allergic to" she turned back to keep applying, make faces to reach certain spots on her face. Corbyn watched her, slowing his movements as he still wondered why both Josie and Ashley did such things when he simply just used soap and water.

By the time she got her scrub on, she went to wash her hands as Corbyn finished brushing his teeth. He went to spit out the paste and wash his mouth to rid the minty taste, closing his eyes to avoid any flying back and getting in his eye. Simultaneously, Josie went to wash her hands and get anything of her neck that may have dropped down while she was applying. And in the midst of running water and hygiene products, a disgusted scream rang through the small white bathroom.

"Corbyn fucking Besson, what the hell" Josie exclaimed as a glob of toothpaste sat on the back of her neck where he accidentally spit it, truly aiming for the sink. He gasped as she stood with her mouth open, slight anger and disgust taking over her emotions.

"Oh my..." he trailed off, never finishing his sentence as he watched her take a hand to her neck, wiping some of it off and flinging it into the sink next to them. It was an awkward feeling of stickiness and goop. Like a slim, but maybe a little more runny.

"Fuck" she mumbled as she turned to turn on the shower, waiting to detach part of the shower head. She glared back at him, resting the temperature of the water. She slipped her tank top over her head, trying to avoid the remaining toothpaste that sat at the nape of her neck. He cringed slightly before resting on the door frame, looking at her.

She wore a patterned sports bra under her black tank top, them being more comfortable than any thick underwire. Her curves were perfect to him, her tanned skin complementing the blonde hair in a now bun. Her pants hung a little lowly on her, showing a peak of her hips and black underwear with a lace hemline. They swayed as she moved from the closet to the tub, preparing to wash everything off.

"You're helping me moron. Get over here and hold the shower head" she signaled him down, snapping him from the gaze he had on her in a non-perverted way. He took slow steps to her, following her hand to the shower head that could be detached and used to reach her neck right now. He reached up and grabbed it, waiting for her to hold her hair and bend forward so he could reach it without getting water everywhere. He stood at her waist, molding into place almost as he waved the water towards her neck, letting the pressure take most of the paste away before using his index finger to wipe some remaining residue away

"Kinda hate you for spitting on me but I'm glad you're not pressed against my ass" she joked, laughing slightly. He did too, sending slight vibrations across her skin

"Don't want it to be dinner and a show"


2k and 100+ votes. omg, thank you


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