Chapter 5

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Lilly POV:

Well even though I don't have to walk, Liam's shoulders are very uncomfortable. Once we got to the car Liam threw me in, not literally, and put the seat belt on for me.

"Do I not have any arms or legs?" I asked

"Yeah, but I don't want you to run away again like before." Liam said

"Why though? Why should I go meet the woman that gave me away to another family. And a brother that most likely has other siblings that he loves, he is a popstar he wouldn't like me or even want to be my sister. I may as well just jump on a train and go back to where I belong.

"I do have other siblings, but you are my twin sister that I want to get to know. I may be a popstar but I have a heart. You are also not going back to your adopted parents, you are staying here with me, even if I have to strap you to a chair and lock you up." Zayns says from the passenger side. I didn't even know he was here.

"Ummmmm, where did you come from?? But why should I stay here I mean I was given to someone else I didn't even know I was adopted for years and then all of a sudden I have a mum that wants me and a twin brother. I dare you to strap me to a chair and lock me in a room. Number 1 you wouldn't even get me into the chair as I am black belt boxing champ and number 2 I could get out of the room, I did a class on kidnapping and things like that so I would like to see you try." I say

" I have been here the whole time I just didn't come in to get you because I thought that Niall, Harry and Liam had it covered. I know ------" he said

" don't you dare say you know how I feel, do you know what it is like to find your birth certificate and a pic of you and a baby boy. Did you cry your self to sleep thinking that you weren't good enough. Did you try and kill your self when you went through depression, were you there or your mother, NO my best friend had to find me and help me. If it wasn't for her, music and boxing I wouldn't be here today. It took me 3 years to become who I am today and I will not let anyone ruin it for me. Did you have to grow up without your real parents or siblings. No you don't " I shouted at him while crying.

It was then that I realised who was listening to our conversation in the car; Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Zayn's Mum.

"Oh my god, how many more people are in here, next thing you know someone is going to jump out from the backseat saying I have been punked!" I said still crying

Zayn went to give me a hug but I pushed him away. Liam then came over to give me a hug I let him, I was crying over him making his shirt very wet, but neither of us cared. He was singing in my ear. That was the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

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