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Y/n pov

    That bastard. He so mean!hes the devil
I say the devil. "Y/n-san!" I heard a voice yelling after me. "Oh Hanabusa. Hello!" I said. "What are you doing this evening" he asked. "Nothing.. i will probably use the highschoolers kitchen." I said as i walked holding on to my skirt.

"You cant do that! Its againest the policy!"

Hanabusa then shouted. I just smiled. "I have a friend. She will help me. If i get caught she will help me get out of the trouble. She really is a great friend." I said as i ran up ahead. I just smiled at hanabusa. I tripped over a rock while i was walking bacmwards.

"Hey watch out!" Hanabusa then yelled out as he ran to catch me. He was to late but someone else caught me. I sighed in relief but got shook of how this Person caught me. He was bowing me down and he was hold my waist. (I cant explain!)

"My my.. what do we have here. A little mousy almost tripped. It couldve been a nasty fall. But i got her now."

He then said as he then stood me up. Hanabusa grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. My skirt was going to fly up but i some how holded it down with my one hand. "Aww.. come one Hanabusa shes not yours." The boy said before walking closer to us. He had Blonde hair. And yellow eyes.

"Well shes not yours either"

Hanabusa said as he took a step back. I also did to. But this boy kept on walking forward. It came to the point we were going to trip over eachother. "Come on Hanabusa stop being such a push over. I saved her so i get to keep her" the blondie said. As he tried to grab my hand. Thats when.

"Like hell!!"

It was kashino. He slapped his hand away from me. I sighed in relief. But thats when hanabusa accidently tripped over my legs. I was so confused at first before i realized we were falling to the ground. 'I swear... i just want to die!!' I thought as hanabusa wrapped his arms around my waist.

But.... his embrace.. it was warm.. it was like i wanted to snuggle up to him.. but it ended because kashino grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him... "im sorry Y/n-chan i got you into this mess." "No its okay!!" I just smiled at him. Hanabusa got off the ground.

He smiled at me. I blsuhed. Because i remember i was in Kashinos embrace. "Ehh.. kashino.." "what now!" Kashino said as he looked at me. I looked at him.. our lips were 5 inches apart.. "ehhh!! You creep " i said as i got out of his grip and hid behind Andou..

My blush was red.. "nee... Y/n-chan!" "Eek!!" I screamed. Hanabusa scared me... "you guys are bastards!!" I yelled before running back to the dorms.. "those meanies..."

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