A start

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      Its weird for me to talk at the first parts of my storys. But anyways this chapter is dedicated to jokadesu. Her storys are great. And shes the only one who had a Yumeiro Patissere x reader. This story was all because of her. Please follower her. But enjoy this chapter

Y/n pov

Its been and hour since Kashino, Andou and i got on the bus. Still i didnt eat. "So y/n what does your family do" Andou asked. "Abuses me until i bleed" i mumbled.. "what?" Andou said again.. good thing he didnt hear me. "Ah my family owns restaurants and stuff. They dont like the baking..sweets and stuff." I said rubbing the back of my head. "Then how did you get into St Marie?" He asked "long story short"

"About maybe when i was 7. My parents were having a party for opening a new food area. My eyes couldn't see the brightness of the room. My eyesight seemed like it was a depressing color. (Whole bunch like Maris background.) I was going to lose my balance and collaspe but it turned out fine. I met a man named Henri Lukas. My grandmother use to go to school with his grandpa... But i met him again and he gave me a sweet he made.....After that he asked if I well loved to bake sweets."

I said. "Wait.....wait you met Henri-sensei." Andou asked "yeah.." "well anyways. After he asked me... i told him yes... he hold a competition for me with a girl named Ojou Miya.. i think" i said. Kashino frooze. "Keep going... Dont worry about Kashino" Andou said, trying to calm him down. "Ok.. i won her.... Ojou made a fit... But after He scouted my to St Marie here." I said,Yawning. "So you got scouted by HENRI LUKAS!" Andou shouted. "Yeah... hehe well....im going to..." my word were cut off when i passed out on kashinos shoulder. I was sitting in between the two.

Third person pov

"Hey wak-" Kashino was shaking the girl.
"Stop... Kashino she had a rough morning.. let just let her sleep for abit. And besides shes kinda cute and peaceful when shes sleeping" Andou said. After whag seemsd liked for 2 hours... they finally arrived at St. Marie. "Hey y/n get up.." Kashino said. "Eh" the girl yawned. "Ok.. Sorry for falling all a sleep so suddenly" y/n said stretching.  "Its fine y/n-san.. you had a rough morning so its ok" Andou said as he smiled at her.

"Well... Arigato" y/n said before she bowed. "No need really" Andou said as he had a sweat drop. "Anyways lets go before the bus leaves with us on it" kashino said as he walked down the isles. "Hai!" The girl said before catching up to Kashino, dragging her suitcase behind her. "Finally Kashino made a new friend besides me" Andou sighed becore smiling. "Hey wait up for me!" Andou yelled dragging his suitcase behind him....

-a littke time skip-

"How much farth?" The h/c girl asked. "Not much. See its up there" andou said smiling, while pointing at the academy. "Wow! Its so big" the girl said as she started to run. "Come on you slowpokes." She yelled. "Why you...fine then i can beat you there!" Kashino yelled running after her. "I like to see you try" the female yelled running abit faster. Thats when she accidently ran into a guy with green hair. 'Damnit im gonna fall backwards' y/n thought.  Thats when the boy grabbed her by the hand. Yeah thats when things turned really bad.

"Are you okay mi-" the boy said before the girl collaspes. Yup he grabbed her where that bruise is.. haha. As the girl collaspes she had tears in her eyes because of the pain. "Damnit.. that hurts" she mumbled. The boy let her hand go and she just collaspes right in the middle of the road. "Hey are you alright" the boy asked y/n.. "yeah.. its just you grabbed me where... well up a bruise was" y/n said before looking up at the boy. The boy saw the tear run down her cheek as she smiled the pain off. "Y/n! Are you ok!" Andou was running towards the female. "Yeah!" The h/c haired girl yelled back.

Before  Andou can get were y/n was....Kashino was already there. "Y/n you ok?" Kashino asked with no emotions at all. "Yeah" the girl said before getting up. "Sorry about that miss. Im Hanabusa satsuki" the boy known as Hanabusa said. "Its nice meet you to hanabusa.. im Y/n L/n" y/n said. "Y/n-san here except this rose." Hanabusa said putting the rose in the girls hair. "No its not mine.." the girl said putting her hands up trying not to except it. "No please" Hanabusa said before he placed his hands on hers. "Fine then" she said. "Thank you hanabusa" she said before smiling. But it was a sad smile.

'I wonder... why is she like this"

Yay another story done!! But this really does to jokadesu!! Please go check out her books and follow her!

My sweet princess (Yumeiro patissiere boys x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora