Cafe Escape P1: Vincent P.O.V

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The lights go out and the shooting begins and the emergency lights go on giving dim lightening. Immediately I activate my smoke bombs and throw them in selected areas that I have previously marked. All to distracted them from my escape.

Since the entrance is blocked by most of the attackers I will have to take the back exit. I have a plan for nearly all possible attacks. For this one I'm hoping it'll be an easy escape.

I run through the door leading to the back kitchen but I get tackled. I try doing a reverse hold but I struggle and we roll around on the floor.

I look around for anything that could help me.  All I see is the kitchen staff huddled in corners and hiding behind carts. My first priority is to make sure they are safe and to keep them that way. Then I see a rack of freshly made bread. I could tell the that the trays holding the bread was hot so I did something crazy.

While still wrestling with my attacker making sure he is on top. I roll us over to the rack. I grap the rack I feel the burn and pull the bread and the trays down on us. My attacker screams reacts by getting away from me and the piping hot bread.

I get up taking out my throwing knives. I have to take him down but not kill or seriously injure. One thing comes to mind pressure points. It'll be painful but it will take him down without killing. But the emergency lights don't give enough light. Looks like I'll have to trust my training and hope I hit the right mark.

I take out more throwing knives and put them in my hands life wolverine. Throwing them like this is weird and definitely unorthodox but it's my best way to throw them.

I watch my enemy. The way he moves, bends and his stance. After analysing him for a few seconds I make my first move by throwing knives at his legs. Two knives below the knee on each leg. He screamed in pain and fell backwards. Unable to move his legs he struggles. I throw three knives at each of his arms. He screams louder. Now unable to move his legs and arms.

I walk up to him and he stares at me angrily. I take out more knives and his eyes go wide.

I smirk, "Time to take out someof your friends", I say before knocking him out.

Saying that was just for show. I'm trying to escape not get caught up in more fights. I go to the door that I came from and get out a special smoke bombs. Ones designed to knock someone out even with a mask on. I activate them and throw them in. I also place some near the door in case one of them makes it this far.

I continue out the back door into an ally.

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