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      I was awoke from the drool-soaked patch in my pillow by the slam of the front door downstairs. My eyes were all groggy, squinting around. You know that drowsy investigation when you’re abruptly woken up? Lol… that’s what I did.

Atlanteans oddly recover very quickly from sleep though. It’s just a thing with our species, no one thinks of it much.

            I stretched, and started from my cozy mattress to my desk—a gentle mesh of baby blue and turquoise. A tablet of flat, sleek metal is filled with multiple windows that flow like ocean currents. I take into my hand, scratching the glittery scales on my chest. I check my fingernails, always thinking it’s possible to scratch them off—it’s not. I look back at the screen, and click the tab marked; “Spire Feeds.” It’s also indicated with an image of the Spire itself. It updates…

The top heading reads; “What’s New,” followed by a bulleted list of all current events & trends on the surface.

There’s a movie called Sex Tape? What is happening up there? That’s worse than Meet The Fockers… Apparently that got a sequel too. I don’t think there’s any creativity up there anymore. It all looks like remakes, books turned to movies, and random mediocre films like that Edge of Tomorrow thing.

            I hear a knock at my door.

“Lamuntine, your father’s here.” Mom notifies me.

“I know.” I smile, lying the tablet back down. There’s a contour in my desk for the it to be placed into, when I do it automatically shuts off. And then I proceed into the familiar wilderness of my world, to formally acknowledge the apex predator—you know cause the male generally runs the household.



“Hi dad.” He was setting some blue, rubber sacs on the counter. He turned to me, my dad’s pretty big next to me—next to everyone actually. He’s wearing his customary glass apparel for work. It’s a flexible, thin rubbery glass outlining a very dark blue business suit. He glared at me cheerfully with crystal blue eyes.

“Tiney!” Hey snatched me by the arm ferociously! I should’ve expected this though. Yeah I’m short so what? Yeah my dad can lift me up with one arm so what? Yeah he’s carrying me underneath his arm like a flat piece of cardboard-

“Cestean put him down.” Mom casually says it, barely attempting to get him to stop. He dropped me to my feet, and we laughed. His gold plated nametag was still stuck to his chest—reading; Cestean Oshus, Sealine Overseer.

“How was work dad?” I lean on the countertop, free of my minor form of emasculation.

 “Oh it was… alright.” He opens the rubbery sacs of unknown materials. He rises something before my eyes out of the bag. I cheered!

“Oh that’s sick!” I take the volt globe into my excited hands! It’s a miniature replica of The Dome—well only the Hydra country portion of course. You shake it and lightning bolts strike inside of it. It’s like an illusion though I think. “Thanks dad.” I look at it, stretching my arm out for a high-five. I met his hand down-low.

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