chapter nine

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Chris began to panic, realizing he hadn't been on a date in ages. He looked through his closet, searching for the perfect outfit. Finally he came across an old suit he has worn to the Civil War premier. Perfect, he thought.

He did his hair all fancy, and made sure he smelled nice. Then, he went to a local florist to buy a single rose, just like Tom has suggested. He was ready, or at least as ready as he could be.

It was 6:50 and Chris decided to head down to the restaurant. To his surprise, Robert was already there looking as handsome as ever. Chris was almost speechless, he had never seen someone so beautiful.

"Oh, hey Chris. Didn't see you there," Robert said turning around.

"Y-you look really nice." Robert tried to hide his blushing cheeks. "Y-you do, too." They were like little kids, crushing on each other. "Shall we go inside?" Chris said, as he linked arms with Robert.

They walked inside the fancy restaurant and sat down at a table. As soon as they sat down, Chris pulled the rose out of his jacket. Robert's heart was beating a million times per minute. "Aw, Chris."

Things were a little bit awkward at first. They weren't exactly sure what to say. They were still unsure about each other's feelings, and felt a bit uncomfortable. Finally, Chris spoke up.

"Robert, I know you're probably confused why I asked you to dinner tonight, and why I've been acting so weird lately. But I just want you to know that you mean the world to me and I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Chris, if anyone's been acting weird lately it's me, and I'm sorry. And trust me you mean more to me than you know."

"How so?"

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