chapter three

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"What's up, Mr. Downey?" Tom loved spending time with Robert on set, he was like his second dad. "Hey, kid." Tom noticed he seemed a little down today. "Is everything alright? How's filming going?"

"Ya, ya everything's good," he lied.

"Where's Evans? You always seem happy when he's around." Hearing that almost caused Robert to cry. He closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. "Tom, I love you,!but right now I just need to be alone, alright?" Tom nodded and let him be.

He decided to go talk to Chris. "Hi, Mr. Evans! Is everything alright with Robert? He's been acting a little weird this morning."

"Weird how?"

"I don't know he just seems sad. And when I mentioned you he practically cried." Chris didn't know what to make of this. Why would he be sad about me?
"I'll talk to him. Thanks Tom." Chris made his way through the set, trying to find his friend. "Hey Hemsy, have you seen RDJ?"

"Last I saw him he was heading to shoot a scene."

Finally, Chris spotted him, sitting on the corner of the street all alone. He walked over and sat down by his side. Without looking up Robert muttered, "What are you doing here, Evans?"

"Well Tom said you weren't feeling well and-"

"That kid, I told him to just leave it alone," he said cutting him off mid sentence.

"Robert, you can talk to me."

"Quit it, Evans. Just go." Chris didn't know what else to do. He could see he just wanted to be alone, so he did what he was told. Robert sat there on the curb, wallowing in his sorrow.

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