I listened and took in what he said. I would not forget this advice, and I never have.

"Now hop down, I need to go." He made a hand gesture as he spoke. Despite this, I still refused to move.

"But I want to go with you!" I pouted, "I've got nothing to do."

Hugh chuckled, "Aye, you'd probably be a good help too. But you-"

"Don't say I'm not strong enough! I am!" I butted in, knowing exactly what he was about to say, "I'm not sick anymore." This made him pause, proving my theory right. He went quiet. If I was "sick" then how did I find the strength to not only leave the house, tack up his horse but also mount the horse without help? Hugh was quiet for several moments before he finally shook his head.

"Alright... let me get some more bread." He turned away, to see Mary walking towards us with exactly what he had just spoken of. She had a smile on her face.

"I saw her sneak out. Just make sure she rests if she gets tired." She gave her husband the bread and looked up to me, gently stroking my cheek. I felt like flinching from her touch, but I did not. It was comforting.

We said our goodbyes and Hugh clicked the stallion into a brisk trot before slipping into a rolling canter. I wrapped my arms around his torso, feeling both the rocking of Hazel's gait and the gentle breeze in my face, sweeping my hair back. The rich landscape fled past us in a lush and green blur. It felt so liberating on the back of a horse, travelling a long distance with no limitations. While on the back of this horse, I was on top of the world.

We soon came to a burn, the same burn that I had collapsed at. There were two other horses and bending over at the water's edge were Hugh's brothers. I had not properly met them as they lived outside the farm. Hugh jumped from the horse and helped me down as he walked towards the pair. I stayed behind Hugh, not wanting to be first. I knew it was one of these men that had shot me with an arrow. Hugh and Mary were kind, but how was I supposed to know they would be too?

"Alright, lads?" Hugh called over to them, to which the pair walked over, "Marian, these are my brothers Andrew and Hamish." He introduced them to me. I still stood behind him, unable to think of anything to say. Andrew, the taller brother with a thicker beard than Hugh stepped forward. I froze up, realising it was the man that had shot me. He seemed to notice this as he looked away from me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's nice to finally meet you properly, Marian." He said, but noticed the sharp sparks from Hugh's eyes, "And... I cannot apologise enough for shooting you before." He added, still not looking directly at me. I did not know how to answer him, so I said nothing. Hamish appeared to notice the frosty aura from me as he walked forward.

"Anyway, we should head off, we'll want to bring the herd." I was about to question why this was but as I looked to the sky I saw my answer. Black clouds were rolling towards the plains with force. I did not have much time to think as I felt Hugh lift me up onto the horse. I did not flinch away as I would have before. We set off again, now accompanied with Andrew and Hamish on their horses. The sound of the thundering hooves coupled with the motion of the horse gave me a rush of adrenaline. I just wished I could ride on my own, only then would I experience true liberation. I could stay like this forever.

An hour's travel later, I began to see shapes beyond the vivid green grass. Malformed lumps coloured a chestnut brown. As we grew closer, the lumps became mounts of fur were all that could be seen were a pair of horns and large brown eyes. They were grazing contently at the grass, their barely visible hooves moving back and forth as they lumbered from one patch to the next.

"Well, here we are." Hugh dismounted and turned to help me down, "You wanted to see the cows, so you're going to help us move them." He smiled at me as I jumped down. I took a moment to feel the cool grass under my feet. It came up to my knees and the wind caused the grass to sway like waves on a river. I followed the men towards the cattle. There were two cows and one bull. The bull was significantly larger in stature with a wider head and thicker horns. He turned to look at me, letting out a grunt as if unimpressed with my presence. I avoided his glare and simply followed Hugh.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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