"It's not your fault." Dean said reassuringly, hugging Castiel from behind. He pulled away and looked at the pack.

"Come on, we have to get all of that gunk out of his wings or else they'll become stiff...and it's healthy for him and he'll recognize you all as family."

"How? Why?" Scott asked, bewildered, staring th the gunk on Stiles' wings like it personally offended him.

"It's like how only me, Gabe and Sam are allowed to clean or touch Cas' wings. One time we saw this little girl who had dimensional temporentia or somethin like that and she asked to touch them and he got all protective and closed off." Dean said, smirking at the blush that managed to sneak its way onto Cas' face. Cas sent a glare his way, but Dean kissed his pout instead.

Lydia nodded in response, a thoughtful expression on her face before she stood up.

"Well, let's go get some cleaning supplies. What do we need?" She asked Daan, walking over to stand beside him.

"Some cold water and rags." He said and watched as Jackson and Isaac went with Lydia to retrieve that stuff.

"Cold water?" Derek asked out loud, still staring at his mates wings.

"That stuff burns, trust me." Gabe said, admiring the wings with a small smile on his face. He grinned devishly and looked at Cas.

"Look at your fledgling, baby bro! You're never going to let him leave this nest ever again, are you?" Gabe teased Cas.

"Now I see where he gets all of his bad jokes from." Derek said, rolling his eyes even though you could practically feel the fondness radiating from him. Lydia, Isaac and Jackson came back with everything they needed to clean Stiles' wings, which were starting to twitch and fan out. Derek hesitantly reached towards one of them, and watched how they spread apart and reached for his touch, but when Isaac slowly started to reach for them, cloth in hand, Stiles flinched away.

They cooed, and shushed and told him vomforting words as they cleaned off all of the gunk that was on his wings. Cas reached out and started straightening out his ruffled feathers.

"They're so beautiful." Allison whispered, helping Cas straighten them out. Stiles stretched them out, and the pack noticed that they were at least three times his body height, then Stiles started shaking violently and Derek started to worry again.

"Baby? Baby, what's wrong." Derek soothed, noticing that Stiles' shirt was now in ruins and he had cold water dripping on him. The temperature in the room plummeted making everyone's breath seeable.

"C-c-cold-d." Stiles whispered, wiping the tears on his face and rubbing his arms. Derek raced upstairs and grabbed his warmest sweater and Gave it to Stiles, making two holes where his shoulder blades were so his wings could fit through. Stiles put it on quickly and stood up, huddling close to his mate who grabbed him tightly.

"What do you think it is?" Dean asked the moose, reaching for the gun compartment that he had hidden under the couch cushions.

"A ghost, maybe." Sam responded, grabbing a blade from his belt.

"But where is it?" Dean whispered, looking around the house.

An apparition of a small boy appeared in front of Derek. Derek snarled at it, moving in from of Stiles protectively, until he saw who it was.

It was his cousin, James, Peter's seven year old son who died in the fire. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Cas and Gabe pull the weapons out of their partners hands. Derek felt the tears brimming his eyes, and he refused to wipe them. James reached out a small, chubby, charred palm towards Derek, but it passed right through him. Jimmy frowned, opened his mouth, waving Derek towards him.

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