Chapter 17

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I've got another chapter for you guys! It's right here waiting to be read!

        "Add, you there?" (y/n) called as she peeked into his work room. She had a cup of coffee for him and tea for herself. She didn't want the caffeine so late at night, but Add needed it since he was staying up all night again. He didn't reply, so (y/n) entered the room anyway. To her surprise, he had fallen asleep right at his desk. "I knew you couldn't do five days straight without a single nap," (y/n) muttered to herself as she sat Add's coffee next to him anyway. She put her tea down and left the room only to return with a blanket. "I swear you overwork yourself too much." She draped the blanket over his shoulders before going to her side of the room where she had set up some of her alchemy materials.

        Ever since they moved back towards Elder, she had began to focus more on her alchemy than she did on her psychic abilities. It had turned out that the item that Add needed to implement the time travel equation onto his dynamos needed to be stolen so they had to leave their previous home. After Esper's second visit, (y/n) had been coming up with a plan to keep Esper from succeeding. She had one, but she didn't like it nor did she want Add to know about it.

        "(Y/n)? Are you there?" Add sleepily asked. She turned around to find him still resting his head on his desk.

        "I'm over here now go back to sleep," (y/n) replied as she turned back to what she was doing. She needed Add to stay asleep if she was to continue her secret plan.

        "I can't sleep right now. I think I have the right time coordinates this time. I need to...complete them...before..." Add was saying. (Y/n) looked back to him finding that he'd fallen asleep again. At first, she couldn't tell because of the eyepatch that he wore over his changed eye, but when she went over to him to check, he was indeed asleep. She couldn't help but sadly smile at him knowing she would miss that peaceful look that he had when he slept.

        (Y/n) went back to her notes on her plan and the materials that she would need. "What am I going to do with you? You're going to really need someone to take care of you when I'm gone," (y/n) muttered to herself. Yes, she knew that she wouldn't be able to stay with Add for as long as she wanted to. It wasn't that she believed Esper could actually kill her. It was just that she finally figured out how Esper operated. Four weeks ago when he showed up at their former home, she realized why he hadn't know what would happen despite him being from the future.

        Apparently, Esper remembered everything that happened in the past, but there must have been some sort of delay in how fast his memories changed according to what changed in Add's memories because Esper hadn't known about (y/n)'s future sight ability. He probably knew about it now which meant that (y/n) would have to leave earlier than she wanted to.

        "Would tonight be a good time to disappear without a trace?" (y/n) thought to herself. Add was too sleepy to wake up and stop her, and if she acted quickly, she could gather her most important alchemy supplies without waking him. "No. I think I can wait one more day," she thought, not wanting to leave Add just yet. But then when she really thought about it again, when was there ever a good time to disappear without a trace? She'd still have to leave Add eventually, so why not go ahead and leave now? "I have no choice, but I'll still need to keep track of him and make sure he stays taken care of," (y/n) thought.

        She began to put everything at her desk in a neat order, only leaving out the few books and papers that she would be taking with her. Once she'd gotten what she needed, (y/n) carefully packed the things into a satchel. Then, she quietly left the room and headed to the kitchen where most of her elixirs were. She wouldn't be touching any of the elixers and potions that Add knew were there. Instead, she would be taking the elixers and potions that she had hidden using her psychic ability.

        And then there were the viles of purple liquid that she'd made specifically for Add. They were to be used to treat his eye in case it ever bothered him when she wasn't around. They worked for a full day and (y/n) had and entire case of them hidden. She now made them visible next to the viles that were already there. Now all she needed to do was plant a tracker on something that Add would never leave without.

        "Dynamo," (y/n) muttered. She entered the room where Add was still asleep and found the dynamos sitting inanimately next to him on the table. "What am I thinking? I can't put a tracker on Add's dynamos. He'll notice or it'll be damaged," (y/n) thought. She then pondered for a bit before getting a pretty good idea. "The music box. I doubt he'd leave it although I did want to take it with me," (y/n) thought as she went to her room to get the music box. While she was there, she got two extra outfits and stuffed them in her already filled satchel. "One more thing to get before I go," she muttered aloud.

        With the music box in hand and her satchel over he shoulder, she snuck into Add's room and went to his closet. "You did say I could have it when it started to get cold. It's winter now and I'm going to need it," (y/n) thought although she meant to say it to Add but couldn't. She took off her satchel and slipped on the old jacket that she got from Add's closet. She didn't hesitate to pull the hood over her head. "The cat ears are just a plus. I wish you would have put the hood on more often." She put her stachel back over her shoulder and took the music box to the room where Add was sleeping.

        Once she put the tracking devise on the side of it, she made it invisible. It was very thin and if the music box was picked up, it wouldn't be notived since it felt just like the other sides of the box. The small traker was made with the knowledge that (y/n) remembered from all of those nasod books that she read. She sat the box right next to Add. "Keep that safe for me while I'm gone. I'll come back...but it won'tbe too soon, so take care of yourself until then." With those parting words that she knew Add did not hear, she turned to leave but stopped right before she could open the door.

        Would she really leave Add now? (Y/n) turned around and sat on the floor next to Add's chair. "I'll at least leave you with a pleasant sleep," she whispered so as not to wake him. With her psychic ability, she was able fool Add's mind into temporarily forgetting everything that stressed him out. She then stood up and opened the music box. Its tune filled the room, yet it also filled (y/n)'s heart with sadness. She blinked back tears that threatened to fall and headed out of the room. When she left the house, she made sure to lock the door.

        "I'm sorry, Add. I had no choice. Just wait a month or two, then I'm sure this will all blow over, and I can come back." (Y/n) let her tears fall and went invisible. Then she used one of her newfound abilities to get to a place she remembered, Elder. The ability she used was teleportation. She couldn't go to Echo since Add would surely know if she'd been there. Instead, she teleported back to a place that she only recently remembered. It was a forest now, but at some point, it had been her home. It was then that a very vivid memory flashed into her mind.

        "...I'm glad you're my friend. I don't know what I'd have done without you around. We'll be friends forever okay," (y/n) had spoken.

        "Sure. Of course we will," Edward had agreed as he ruffled (y/n)'s hair.

        More memories of her time in the mansion began to flood into her mind and she couldn't stop herself from curling up on the forest's ground and crying into Add's jacket. These memories had been missing all this time, and they urged her to go back to Add. Yet she refused for his and her own safety. "I'll start from here again. This time when I see you standing still in the moving crowd, I'll run to you instead of away from you...Edward," (y/n) thought.

I won't lie. This chapter hurt me so bad that I need to recover for a while. Hopefully I can recover by writing a chapter that reveals information. What do I mean? Oh you'll see. Until next time you fantastic readers!

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