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{7:50 PM}

"Amary come here now?!" Victoria yelled for me, panic in her voice.

Her scream mixed in with others.

What the hell is going on?

I jumped up from my bed in the Rock Room and sprinted to the backyard.

"Fuck you Caleb! What the hell is your problem?!" Cody shouted.

Cody was super pissed about Caleb's Veto Ceremony that just finished.

"I had to take my shot. I'm playing the game so it's best for me." Caleb shot back.

The boys were up in each other's faces while Derrick tried pulling them apart.

Victoria was standing by the door, I could tell that the fight was making her scared.

It honestly scared me too.

If Cody swings he's out of here and who knows what would happen.

"Fuck that! We had a deal man!" Cody snapped.

"And where would that deal get me?! Fourth?!"

Seeing Cody's fist clench made me jump in.

"Babe, stop." I got in the middle of them.

They continued to scream back and forth as I pushed Cody towards the door.

Derrick held Caleb back but it didn't do much.

Caleb was basically dragging Derrick.

"Cody please. Just drop it." I begged.

I could feel Cody's heart pounding fast.

He wasn't looking at me, he just continued to scream.

"You're a dead man! One of us is staying this week and then we're gunning for you!"

"Cody, go inside." He started to push against me. "Please!" I shouted.

That's when he look down at me.

"Please..." I began to tear up.

I hated seeing Cody like this because I don't know what he'll do.

It scared me...a lot.

Cody glanced up at Caleb before turning to go into the house.

Thank you Jesus.

{9:07 AM}

So we just found out that the next live show is now tonight at 7 PM.

Also the countdown ends at the same time.

That makes me super nervous.

What if that button sends both Cody and I home and then finale night is next week.

Although it could be a good thing like...

A game reset, sending us back a couple weeks.

Flip nominations and then Victoria and Derrick are on the block instead.

Pass vets come in and compete in a luxury competition with us.

Who knows what could happen.

I just really hope this doesn't screw everything up.

{7:42 PM}

The show has been going on and now it's time for Cody and I to give our speeches.

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