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{6:37 PM}

Today's the day.

The day I fight for my survival in this house.

I was getting ready in the bathroom since the competition was about to begin.

Everyone involved in the BOB comp was given a 1920s styled outfit so I was kind of excited since I would be getting to keep this costume after the summer.

(Amary's outfit)

(Amary's outfit)

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"Damn." Cody entered the bathroom.

For the past couple of days he's been the only person to make me smile through this whole thing.

"Shut up and zip me up." I laughed.

He smiled before obeying and helping me with my dress.

"Ready to kick some ass?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"You mean dethrone Frankie? Hell yeah."

"I hope you do cause I'd have no one to flirt with if you leave."

"Oh please."

"It's true, there's just no one in here as cute as you."

I stopped what I was doing to smile at him while shaking my head.

I'm going to kill him.

"I want to-"

"Kiss me? I have that affect on girls." He cut me off while stroking his chin.

I went to slap him causing him to run away.

Cody Calafiore you're too much.

{7:16 PM}

Entering the backyard was amazing.

I felt like I was in The Great Gatsby, only thing missing was Leonardo DiCaprio but I guess Cody will do.

I was about to split from the group not competing when Cody shouted at me.

"Amary don't you want a good luck kiss?"

"In your dreams Calafiore."

The houseguest went wild as Cody was rejected.

One day Cody...one day.

Hayden explained the rules of the game while Brittany, Poala, Donny, and I started to get harnessed up.

It took me forever to get harnessed in because I was shaking so bad.

"I got it." Caleb helped me as I wiped my sweaty hands on my stomach.

"Hey, don't worry. You're gonna kill this comp." Caleb whispered while tightening the straps.

Hearing this from Caleb made me feel better, I truly liked the kid and I could see us being friends once the summer was over.

"Thanks." I smiled while he walked away.

As Hayden finished explaining the game everyone took their places on their swings.

I looked past Brittany at the other houseguest, eyes landing on Cody's.

He could tell I was nervous but so could everyone else by how shaky I was.

"You got this." He mouthed.

I nodded while taking in a deep breath.

Okay Amary time to relax and kick some ass.

The swings began to rise, hoisting the four of us into the air.

"Let's play the Pouring Twenties!" Hayden shouted causing the horn to go off.

The game started and cheers began to roar from the people of the house.

I picked up a strategy while Hayden was talking.

Brittany and I have to kick in sync so we can meet at the middle to transfer the water.

Once we got momentum it was smooth sailing from there.

Little by little we were filling the container up.

"Go ladies! You've got this!" Caleb cheered us on.

I took a quick glance to see that Donny and Paola were struggling so I began to think this competition will be no problem.

Until I leaned to far forward in my swing, falling off it.

My harness caught me, jerking me around a bit.

"Oh god I'm gonna throw up." I said causing a few to laugh.

"It's okay Amary, we're all good." Brittany encouraged me.

I began to pull myself back up onto the swing with no problem.

"There you go girl! Use those arm muscles!" Zach shouted from the sidelines.

By the time we got back on track Pao and Donny were all caught up.

That's when I began to panic.

We were neck and neck.

Pouring at the same time.

So many things were going through my mind.

This is insane, there's a chance I'll be stuck on the block.

Then Brittany poured a full glass into mine.

I poured it into the container and boom...

A berry fell out.

Brittany and I screamed from happiness along with Caleb.

We were lowered down from the swings slowly.

I quickly unbuckled myself, running straight for Brittany.

We embraced each other in a tight hug.

This was the best feeling in the world.

Frankie was now dethroned as HOH and Brittany and I live to see another week in the Big Brother House.

Please Read & Answer
A\N: New Chapter sorry it's short. Okay yes I know in the actual show Frankie probably would've never put Amary up if she was a strong competitor but would you guys really read this story if I skipped competitions. Also I want Amary to have a problem with Frankie so I can use it for a good storyline. Oh and let me know if you guys want Amary to call people out on their shit or keep shut. Leave a comment, vote, and enjoy.

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