The new kid?

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Marshall lee's pov

I didn't go to sleep last night so when i turned around to face a dreadful alarm clock telling me it was 6:37 AM i wasn't very surprised, usually this wouldn't be like me I used to be a pretty happy kid before the divorce. My parents got divorced when i was young I was around 8.... I'm 17 now still surprised its been 9 years since my mum went and left me a my abusive alcoholic dad. My mum was good.... that's what i thought at least but i couldn't be so wrong. Turns out she was having a affair with my dads brother, pretty screwed up. My dads been a drunken bitch since I tried to ignore him as much as possible tho. My dad also abuses me....a lot, I don't tell and he lets me live that's how its been for 8 years. When i was 9 it wasn't so bad but as i got older he said i was getting more of a chance of overpowering him so he made sure i wouldn't. I have learned how to just live with it at this point, just let him get his way when he starts hitting you and throwing glass beer bottles do NOT dodge or it will get so worse I learned that after a few months. He surprisingly still lets me go to school cause he abuses me where it wont show marks that are able to be seen by humans as long as I keep my turtle neck and hoodie on. Thinking of school i remember its the first day, I look over realizing I was lost in my thought for 30 minutes so its only 7:07. I sit up and yawn starting to look around my dark room. I have a pretty simple room just plain black walls with a dresser, bed and a small desk beside my bed holding a alarm clock and my phone that's charging in a port beside the desk. I rubbed my eyes and stood up from my bed stretching a little more looking at the scars and fresh cuts up and down my wrist, i wasn't proud of them but i knew none cared and no one knew besides from my piece of shit dad who urges me to go farther and just die and lately its been a close thought but i re assure myself i will be out of here by 18 or 19 I'm so close. i start to get dressed putting a red and black striped turtle neck and a black hoodie with black skinny jeans and red high top converses. I grab my bag and walk out my door I look down the hallway to see my dad passed out holding a bottle of vodka. I sigh and try to quietly walk my way around him to the door. I get to the other side successfully and flip him off on my way out, I grab my phone and earbuds putting one of the earbuds in my ear leaving the other out in case a gang or someone tries to attack. I start to walk to school.

~time skip~ Bubbas pov

Today was my first day at a new school, I was pretty scared that someone from my old school somehow manage to get here. I started moving places around 5 months ago when my kingdom started to become more rude, me and my mum travel a lot since then and it sucks I never get to make friends or have relationships so i have learned to just keep quiet and make ok grades so you don't get the teachers attention. I have pretty much a 0% chance of a social life since I'm always moving but this is my mums last stop, we wont be moving again. Ever. Maybe I have a shot this year but this year of school is my last after this i have no clue what ill be doing but I don't want to go to college until I'm 20 so i have a few years of me time to collect and gather myself. I walk into the schools building having all my anxiety build up so high, I'm trying to gather myself so i don't have a full blown anxiety attack. I pace down the halls trying to get to the office as soon as possible so I can

get away from peoples sight. As I'm practically running i feel myself ram into someone, my face goes a dark shade of pinkish red as my embarrassment grows. I look up to see a gray faced boy that looks beyond confused, we look into each others eyes awkwardly not being able to look away. He has reddish brown eyes that are mesmerizing.I finally catch up with whats going on and i get all red again. "I'm so so sorry." i manage to get out quietly. "Hey its ok, dont stress it. I'm Marshall, Marshall lee."

Okie so that was my first ever chapter and just hang with me the story gets A LOT better and comment somethings i could do better and some things you may wanna see anyways enjoy this as i try to go and write more. Byeeee~ <3

~the look in his eyes~GumleeWhere stories live. Discover now